2023 You are expected to develop a plan to evaluate the implementation of

Nursing 2023 Plan to Evaluate Implementation

You are expected to develop a plan to evaluate the implementation of 2023 Assignment


You are expected to develop a plan to evaluate the implementation of the EBP project. Please review all the past readings, table template, resources, instructions, and rubric. Please include a narrative that defines the baseline data (this is described in section A below). You may also add additional information as noted in the sample paper if appropriate to your EBP proposal. The narrative must be 2-4 pages in length. The table for this plan should include Sections B through D below. See the table template (please click on this link).

EBP Evaluation Plan

  1. Define baseline data sources and collection strategies – describe data that has been collected which identified need for proposal. It has to be specific baseline data that the results (outcomes) of your proposed implementation will be compared to post implementation.
  2. Define outcome indicators for your project (see table).
  3. Define outcome measures (see table).
  4. Define how data will be collected – time of collection and person responsible (see table)

Note: It would be to your advantage to submit this section as you progress writing the paper to Safe Assign draft areas to verify the originality report for updates. You must achieve an “matching” score of 34% or less FOR THE MODULE 5 SAFEASSIGN FINAL EBP PAPER. 

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