Infographic Discussion on Rape Culture DUE SEPT. 13TH | 2025
Psychology Assignment Custom Writng
Infographic Discussion on Rape Culture DUE SEPT. 13TH | 2025 Custom Writing
PART 1 (WORTH 6 POINTS): DUE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH BY 8PMYou will post 2 photos or screen shots that represent the concept of rape culture. You will post 2 photos for rape culture (1 image that represents problematic rape culture and another that represents a “fighting back” against rape culture). Photos can be of items you see in your home, outside of your home (e.g. a billboard ad – please don’t take a photo if you are driving!), online and/or on your social media sites.PART 2 (WORTH 6 POINTS): DUE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH BY 8PMProblematic ImageDescribe how this represents rape culture in your opinion (1-2 sentences)How/why you view it as problematic (1-2 sentences)Positive ImageDescribe how this represents rape culture in your opinion (1-2 sentences)How/why you view it as positive (1-2 sentences)**IF YOU ARE POSTING SOMEONE’S SOCIAL MEDIA COMMENTS/PHOTOS: PLEASE CENSOR THE IDENTITY OF THE PERSON UNLESS THEY ARE A PUBLIC FIGURE (E.G. POLITICIAN, ACTRESS, ETC). IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE SOME DEMOGRAPHIC INFO BECAUSE IT IS RELEVANT TO WHY YOU CHOSE THEIR POST (THEIR AGE, GENDER IDENTITY, RACE/ETHNICITY, ETC) YOU CAN INCLUDE THAT AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT REVEAL WHO THEY ARE**PART 3 (WORTH 3 POINTS):DUE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH BY 8PM
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