3rd assignment | 2025
Psychology Assignment Custom Writng
3rd assignment | 2025 Custom Writing
For this assignment, you will complete an analysis of a case study that deals with one of the following stages of lifespan development:Middle Childhood.Adolescence.You will select one of the following case studies from your Broderick and Blewitt textbook to complete an analysis of the developmental and contextual issues related to the selected case. Each of the case studies includes a set of questions that can guide your analysis of the pertinent issues for the particular case.Select one of the following case studies to analyze:Hyun-Ki, page 322.Dean, page 365.Mark, page 405.ExpectationsFor each case study you will be expected to:Analyze lifespan development theories to determine the most appropriate theory/theories to apply to the case study.Apply the appropriate lifespan development theory to support an identified intervention process.Describe the potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study.Write in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for graduate-level composition and expression.ContentThe case study analysis should be a maximum of 5 pages, including the introduction and conclusion, each of which should be approximately one half-page in length. The body of the paper should not exceed 4 pages.Provide the following content in your paper:An introduction that includes an overview of the paper contents, including a brief summary and background information regarding the case study.The body of the case study, including:The presenting challenge(s) and primary issue(s).Appropriate lifespan development theory and research-based alternatives that explain the presenting challenges.Potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study.Evidence-based support from lifespan development theory and current scholarly research to support appropriate interventions.A conclusion that summarizes what was introduced in the body of the paper with respect to the case study context, challenges, and interventions.RequirementsSubmit a professional document, in APA style, that includes the following required elements identified with headings and subheadingsTitle page.Introduction (half-page).Case study analysis (4 pages).Conclusion (half-page).Reference Page: Include a minimum of five scholarly sources from current peer-reviewed journals as references in addition to referencing the text book in which the case study is embedded.Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.Toggle Drawer[u03d1] Unit 3 Discussion 1Hyun-Ki: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6)ResourcesAttributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.Professional Communications and Writing Guide.Peer Assessment Rubric.Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric.Peer Feedback.Guidelines for Effective Peer Review.MEAL Plan.APA Style and Format.Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Hyun-Ki case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Dean or Mark cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion.For this discussion:Post your Hyun-Ki Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts, as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete.Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback.Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7.Follow these steps to complete your peer review:Post your analysis of the case study for Hyun-Ki by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper.Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.)Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses.Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide.Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work.After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade.Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning.Toggle Drawer[u03d2] Unit 3 Discussion 2Dean: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6)ResourcesAttributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.Professional Communications and Writing Guide.Peer Assessment Rubric.Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric.Peer Feedback.Guidelines for Effective Peer Review.MEAL Plan.APA Style and Format.Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Dean case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Hyun-Ki or Mark cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion.For this discussion:Post your Dean Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete.Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback.Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7.Follow these steps to complete your peer review:Post your analysis of the case study for Dean by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper.Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.)Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses.Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide.Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work.After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade.Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning.Toggle Drawer[u03d3] Unit 3 Discussion 3Mark: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6)ResourcesAttributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.Professional Communications and Writing Guide.Peer Assessment Rubric.Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric.Peer Feedback.Guidelines for Effective Peer Review.MEAL Plan.APA Style and Format.Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Mark case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Hyun-Ki or Dean cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion.For this discussion:Post your Mark Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts, as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete.Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback.Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7.Follow these steps to complete your peer review:Post your analysis of the case study for Mark by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper.Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.)Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses.Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide.Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work.After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade.Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning.Toggle DrawerUpdates and HandoutsPeriodically, information will be posted in this space for the good of the class.Toggle DrawerAsk Your InstructorThis thread was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask questions—questions about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about the course in general, questions about expectations. If there is something that you feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some of your classmates will have the same concern, so your post may help several learners. If you feel your question is private, please use the Messages tool found under Notifications.Toggle DrawerAsk Your TAThis thread was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask your TA questions – questions about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about expectations, or questions covering topics in writing, critical thinking, Capella resources or discussion and assignment content. If there is something that you feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some of your classmates have the same concern, so your post may help several learners.For this assignment, you will complete an analysis of a case study that deals with one of the following stages of lifespan development:Middle Childhood.Adolescence.You will select one of the following case studies from your Broderick and Blewitt textbook to complete an analysis of the developmental and contextual issues related to the selected case. Each of the case studies includes a set of questions that can guide your analysis of the pertinent issues for the particular case.Select one of the following case studies to analyze:Hyun-Ki, page 322.Dean, page 365.Mark, page 405.ExpectationsFor each case study you will be expected to:Analyze lifespan development theories to determine the most appropriate theory/theories to apply to the case study.Apply the appropriate lifespan development theory to support an identified intervention process.Describe the potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study.Write in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for graduate-level composition and expression.ContentThe case study analysis should be a maximum of 5 pages, including the introduction and conclusion, each of which should be approximately one half-page in length. The body of the paper should not exceed 4 pages.Provide the following content in your paper:An introduction that includes an overview of the paper contents, including a brief summary and background information regarding the case study.The body of the case study, including:The presenting challenge(s) and primary issue(s).Appropriate lifespan development theory and research-based alternatives that explain the presenting challenges.Potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study.Evidence-based support from lifespan development theory and current scholarly research to support appropriate interventions.A conclusion that summarizes what was introduced in the body of the paper with respect to the case study context, challenges, and interventions.RequirementsSubmit a professional document, in APA style, that includes the following required elements identified with headings and subheadingsTitle page.Introduction (half-page).Case study analysis (4 pages).Conclusion (half-page).Reference Page: Include a minimum of five scholarly sources from current peer-reviewed journals as references in addition to referencing the text book in which the case study is embedded.Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.Toggle Drawer[u03d1] Unit 3 Discussion 1Hyun-Ki: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6)ResourcesAttributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.Professional Communications and Writing Guide.Peer Assessment Rubric.Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric.Peer Feedback.Guidelines for Effective Peer Review.MEAL Plan.APA Style and Format.Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Hyun-Ki case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Dean or Mark cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion.For this discussion:Post your Hyun-Ki Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts, as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete.Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback.Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7.Follow these steps to complete your peer review:Post your analysis of the case study for Hyun-Ki by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper.Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.)Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses.Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide.Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work.After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade.Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning.Toggle Drawer[u03d2] Unit 3 Discussion 2Dean: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6)ResourcesAttributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.Professional Communications and Writing Guide.Peer Assessment Rubric.Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric.Peer Feedback.Guidelines for Effective Peer Review.MEAL Plan.APA Style and Format.Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Dean case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Hyun-Ki or Mark cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion.For this discussion:Post your Dean Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete.Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback.Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7.Follow these steps to complete your peer review:Post your analysis of the case study for Dean by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper.Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.)Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses.Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide.Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work.After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade.Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning.Toggle Drawer[u03d3] Unit 3 Discussion 3Mark: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6)ResourcesAttributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.Professional Communications and Writing Guide.Peer Assessment Rubric.Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric.Peer Feedback.Guidelines for Effective Peer Review.MEAL Plan.APA Style and Format.Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Mark case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Hyun-Ki or Dean cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion.For this discussion:Post your Mark Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts, as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete.Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback.Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7.Follow these steps to complete your peer review:Post your analysis of the case study for Mark by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper.Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.)Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses.Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide.Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work.After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade.Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning.Toggle DrawerUpdates and HandoutsPeriodically, information will be posted in this space for the good of the class.Toggle DrawerAsk Your InstructorThis thread was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask questions—questions about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about the course in general, questions about expectations. If there is something that you feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some of your classmates will have the same concern, so your post may help several learners. If you feel your question is private, please use the Messages tool found under Notifications.Toggle DrawerAsk Your TAThis thread was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask your TA questions – questions about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about expectations, or questions covering topics in writing, critical thinking, Capella resources or discussion and assignment content. If there is something that you feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some of your classmates have the same concern, so your post may help several learners.
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