Quantitative Research to Answer Evaluation Questions | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Quantitative Research to Answer Evaluation Questions | 2025 Custom Writing

Quantitative Research to Answer Evaluation QuestionsFor this discussion, you will describe your research design for answering key evaluation questions for your program evaluation. This is an extended discussion that should be 300–400 words. The insights you gain from this discussion will help you complete your Unit 8 assignment. The research paper that is to be used for this assignement is attached.At the beginning of your post, briefly provide the following information for your peers’ review:Population.Clinical area of concern.Clinical intervention to be evaluated.After reading the text chapters on research design and watching the multimedia provided in this unit to give you practice with quantitative research designs, provide the following:State one evaluation question (pertinent to your planned evaluation) that could be answered with a quantitative study. Then, specify the type of research design that would best answer this question, offering your rationale. Lastly, identify the dependent and independent variables that would be measured to answer this evaluation question.State another evaluation question (pertinent to your planned evaluation) that could be answered with a quantitative study. Then, specify the type of research design that would best answer this question, offering your rationale. Lastly, identify the dependent and independent variables that would be measured to answer this evaluation question.You will find it helpful to analyze the articles you found for your literature review and identify their types of research design as well as independent and dependent variables in order to prepare and refine your plan.Include current APA style citations for at least four scholarly resources (this may be a combination of book sources and at least two peer-reviewed journal articles) that support your quantitative research design.


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