5 pages in 24 hours no plagiarism | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

5 pages in 24 hours no plagiarism | 2025 Custom Writing

Assume that you are working in a community health department. The department has some federal money that it wants to allocate to two health promotion programs from the following:Decrease in deaths from cardiovascular diseaseDecrease in deaths from breast cancerDecrease in teenage pregnancyDecrease in cigarette smokingDecrease in incidence of diabetesDecrease in motor vehicle accidentsDecrease in osteoporosis and hip fractures among womenDecrease in obesityIdentify the health promotion programs that you would want to investigate and get them approved by your instructor.Address the following questions:Identify the risk factors associated with the selected health promotion programs.What is the target population associated with the selected health promotion program? Consider the hypothetical target population, consisting of middle-aged women, male adolescent gang members, premature infants, etc., and describe the characteristics of each program.What are the risk factors that you want to focus on in order to achieve the objective of the health promotion program?What intervention would you recommend to be most appropriate to reduce exposure to these risk factors? You can choose at what level of intervention you want to implement each program (primary, secondary, tertiary health intervention).What will be the process by which this intervention will achieve the goal of the program?What will be the anticipated outcome of this intervention?To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.Submission Details:Your assignment should be addressed in a 3- to 5-page document.Submit your documents to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.


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