2025 I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT BETWEEN 150 200 WORDS Following a disaster spirituality is greatly affected
comment judith 2025
I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT. BETWEEN 150-200 WORDS Following a disaster, spirituality is greatly affected by the nature, scope, and complexity of the disaster. The individual could react in different ways depending on the type and severity of the disaster. For example, If the disaster was manmade, if the disaster was a natural disaster and if God or human is to be blamed for the disaster? The answers to these questions can often shed light to where the person draws strength from. For individuals, spirituality can become a battle of why and how. Why would God allow bad things to happen? How did it happen? The overall cause that one blames for the disaster is suggestive of the belief that the person views the world through (Good Therapy, 2013) The impact of a disaster could cause individuals, families and the entire community to have crisis in their spirituality whereby they feel neglected by God and feel the need to ask why a loving and compassionate God would allow such suffering and pain to happen to them. In such situations, they find it hard to pray and get disengaged from religious activities and continue to search for continuous reassurance that God will restore goodness to their life and provide safety and security. A community health nurse can assist in the spiritual care of others by acknowledging their different beliefs and respecting them and their wishes. If permitted, the nurse could pray with them. When questions arise, the nurse could answer questions to the best of his/her ability as well as help direct disaster victims to the correct source for answers to spirituality questions (pastor/priest) and promote the most possible calm, controlled atmosphere in the presence of a disaster. Reference Good Therapy. (2013). Insights into Spirituality in the Aftermath of a Disaster. Retrieved 2015, from http://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/spiritual-insights-disaster-aftermath-0418134
Nursing Assignment Help 2025