2025 I agree with you in that nurses can help vulnerable populations by knowing what programs are available in the community
comment from post 3 2025
I agree with you, in that “nurses can help vulnerable populations by knowing what programs are available in the community.” The vulnerablity of homelessness is the cause of development of many health-related problems. One thing that specifically comes in mind is the maximum capacity of homeless shelters. In some areas where the homeless are in great numbers, the shelters have to cap the line and the homeless are once again on the streets. Some of them also play the system and are able to get admitted to a psych unit so they can temporarily have safe shelter and get medical care for their health-related problems; they are referred to as frequent flyers. By providing the maximum resources for any of their concerns or refer them to a specialist such as a social worker, the homeless may be able to revert some of those vulnerabilities. Good post and thanks for sharing! I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, NO MORE THAN 150 WORDS NEEDED AND A REFERENCE PLEASE
Nursing Assignment Help 2025