comment tammy 2025

I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BESED IN THIS ARGUMENT. PLEASE USE YOUR OWN WORDS TO DO THE COMMENTS. BETWEEN 150-200 WORDS. We have a large population of uninsured people, growth of personal bankruptcy due to medical costs, increasing health care cost, huge profits for health care corporations, and a growing national debt and deficit. On the website for Obamacare Facts, it stated that the top executive’s for-profit health insurance companies made nearly $200 million in total compensation for 2009 (Obamacare Facts website, n.d.) . The government does not regulate the cost of health care, however, personally speaking, I don’t see the government doing much better with their financial responsibilities. We all know the premiums would continue to rise and that was not sustainable for the average American family. The United States placed dead last in the quality of health-care when compared with 10 other western, industrialized nations in 2014. Not only is it dead last in quality, it is first in spending more per capita ($8,508) on health care than Norway ($5,669), which has the second most expensive system. This data was collected before the Affordable Care Act went into full effect. Among its deficiencies, are a relative shortage of primary care physicians; lack of access to primary care, especially for the poor; many low-income residents who skip recommended care, do not get needed tests, or do not fill prescriptions due to cost; high infant mortality; inordinate levels of mortality from conditions that could have been controlled, such as high blood pressure; and lower healthy life expectancy at age 60 (Bernstein, 2014) . Disparities in health care affect individuals and society. Some barriers to accessing health care include: lack of availability, high cost, and lack of insurance coverage. The over haul of health care came due to the disparities, access to health care is regarded as unreliable; many people do not receive the appropriate care they need. Increasing the number of people with health insurance is a start, however, the system must also be looked at. Maintaining and protecting the health of the public is vital, the 3-major driver of health care expenditures are cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. These have modifiable risks that can influence outcome. Education is key, reform of the individual would go a long way. Sustainability of the system as it is now will be in jeopardy due to the older Americans that will become fewer wage-earners paying taxes to fund Medicare. While medical care can prolong survival, more important for the health of the population are the social and economic conditions that make people ill and in need of medical care in the first place. Poor social and economic circumstances affect health throughout life. People further down the social ladder usually run at least twice the risk of serious illness and premature death as those near the top (Kemp, 2012) . Talk about a complex issue, health care is that issue. References Bernstein, L. (2014). Once again, U.S. has the most expensive, least effective health care system in survey. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2014/06/16/once-again-u-s-has-most-expensive-least-effective-health-care-system-in-survey/?utm_term=.4e61947300e1 Kemp, C. B. (2012). Public health in the age of health care reform. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2012/12_0151.htm Obamacare Facts website. (n.d.). http://obamacarefacts.com/healthcare-facts/

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