2025 The goal of public health is to prevent disease or injury for the entire population that is the city
Assignment 2: Public Health Issues and Economics 2025
The goal of public health is to prevent disease or injury for the entire population—that is, the city, state, or country. A public health approach to cancer may involve a state-wide awareness campaign about the risk factors for cancer (such as related to smoking or sun exposure). However, it is very important to consider the legal and economic factors that will come into play in developing such a campaign for it to become successful. Using the readings for the week, the South University online library, and the Internet, create a PowerPoint presentation with a maximum of 10-12 slides. Cover the following: Propose a solution to a public health problem (such as obesity prevention and control, environmental health issues, or infectious diseases) at the local or national level. Address the legal considerations and economic impact of the problem. Be sure to cover concepts you have learned throughout the course in your presentation, such as: Direct versus indirect costs Cost-effectiveness Technical assistance Evaluation You presentation should include the following: Title and reference slides (in addition to the 10–12 slides of content) Headings for each section Speaker notes On a separate page, cite all sources using the APA format. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Proposed an effective solution to a public health problem. 50 Addressed the legal considerations and economic impact of the problem. 40 Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using the APA format. 10 Total 100
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