2025 I feel like I identify with Generation X I am educated and working on my
i need responese to this discussion around 3 line 2025
I feel like I identify with Generation X. I am educated and working on my third degree. When I am not in college, I am constantly learning about something new. I ask a lot of questions because it helps me to learn. I am a visual learner. I value my time, and value the time of my coworkers. I appreciate open communication and being honest about everything at work. I respect fellow employees and try to empathize with them. I love to train new employees when asked to do so. I am motivated by a manager who leads by example in a genuine way. I am a self-motivated person and do not need someone constantly reminding me to do something. I will meet deadlines efficiently and love to see good results from my hard work. I believe hard working people are invaluable when it comes to a work place, no matter where one works. I believe the Millennials would be the most difficult generation to manage or motivate. Although this generation is team-oriented, they need constant feedback and reinforcement. This can be a challenge with the demands managers face today. Millennials tend to put too much emphasis on their image. Instant gratification is a characteristic of Millennials that would definitely be hard to manage. Giving these employees a constant pat on the back may be difficult in a busy setting. A Millennial could perceive this as the manager not noticing their good work when that’s not the case.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025