2025 3 different topics to write about 250 words or more No APA format
3 Nursing Discussion Topics – 250 words or more 2025
3 different topics to write about. 250 words or more. No APA format necessary. I will pay $5.00 for each topic for a total of $15.00 The instructions and topics are the following: 1. Instructions Discussion topics are: ( Select ONE of the topics to post). 250 words or more. Please list reference if used. Things to consider: Why are teens more at risk of these issues? Do you think teens are more at risk for the above today than say a few generations ago? What influences do you feel may make one teen more at risk than another? The questions posed are only to help you focus on ideas for your post. It is not mandatory to answer all of these questions. * Detailed well thought out post. * A link to a credible outside reference backing up your idea such as a peer reviewed journal article or a credible website (look for .edu, .gov, .org). * Adhere to the word counts. 2. Instructions Discussion topics are: ( Select ONE of the topics to post). 250 words or more. Please list reference if used. 1) Discuss critical thinking skills used in nursing practice. 2) Describe the role that communication plays in planning patient-centered care. * Detailed well thought out post. * A link to a credible outside reference backing up your idea such as a peer reviewed journal article or a credible website (look for .edu, .gov, .org). * Adhere to the word counts. 3. Instructions Discussion topics are: ( Select ONE of the topics to post). 250 words or more. Please list reference if used. 1. Discuss the role of ethics in professional nursing. 2. Discuss the relationship between documentation and financial reimbursement for health care. * Detailed well thought out post. * A link to a credible outside reference backing up your idea such as a peer reviewed journal article or a credible website (look for .edu, .gov, .org). * Adhere to the word counts.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025