2025 Forum 6 Assignment Instructions The Joint Commission JCAHO requires that organization include a spiritual assessment as part

Nursing Forum 6 2025

Forum #6 Assignment Instructions The Joint Commission (JCAHO) requires that organization include a spiritual assessment as part of the patient assessment. They do not specify what must be asked, but they suggest following questions might be directed to the patient or his/her family: Who or what provides the patient with strength and hope? Does the patient use prayer in their life? How does the patient express their spirituality? How would the patient describe their philosophy of life? What type of spiritual/religious support does the patient desire? What is the name of the patient’s clergy, ministers, chaplains, pastor, rabbi? What does suffering mean to the patient? What does dying mean to the patient? What are the patient’s spiritual goals? Is there a role of church/synagogue in the patient’s life? How does your faith help the patient cope with illness? How does the patient keep going day after day? What helps the patient get through this health care experience? How has illness affected the patient and his/her family? ( http://www.jointcommission.org/standards_information/jcfaqdetails.aspx?StandardsFaqId=290&ProgramId=1 (Links to an external site.) ) For this assignment reflect on how your practice area does or does not promote spiritual care. Here is what to include: How is a spiritual assessment routinely done on your unit? What policies do you have to support spiritual care What are the barriers or ethical issues surrounding spiritual care in your practice area? Give an example of a time when you felt that you or your unit did a really good job or a really bad job of supporting a patient’s spiritual needs? What changes, if any, do you feel are needed within your institution to better promote spiritual care? No APA needed this week since this is a reflection. This paper will be approximately 2 pages in length Module 6: Spirituality and Healing 1. Describe spirituality (c1) 2. Understand the nurse’s role in providing spiritual care (c5, 6) 3. Describe how spiritual care contributes to patient outcomes(c7) Module 6: Readings Fountain chapters 24, 25, & 27 Joint Commission Evaluating your spiritual assessment process PDF

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