2023 Please review the following website for an example of an early childhood program Primrose School at East Lake In your

Nursing 2023 Anatomy

Please review the following website for an example of an early childhood program Primrose School at East Lake In your 2023 Assignment


Please review the following website for an example of an early childhood program: Primrose School at East Lake

In your paper: a.Explain how the role of the administrator is different from that of the teacher in program and curriculum planning.

b. Describe the learning and developmental needs of your chosen age group.

c. Analyze how your program will address the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of children in this age group (give specific curricular ideas for each area of development) as well as classroom management and the daily schedule.

d.Explain how your program aligns with the philosophy, vision, and mission statements you created in Week One.

e. Discuss how your program aligns with NAEYC’s indicators of effective curriculum, as outlined in Chapter 4 and found in the article, “Where We Stand on Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation.” The paper should be five to six pages in length, in addition to the title page and the reference page. Use at least one scholarly source in addition to your text and the NAEYC article. Your paper should also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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