2025 Instructions Use APA 7 edition for references SIMILARITY REPORT MUST BE LESS THAN 10 Use

Community Assessment 2025

Instructions: Use APA 7 edition for references. SIMILARITY REPORT MUST BE LESS THAN 10%. Use 4 citations and their correspondent references. LITERATURE USED MUST BE JOURNAL ARTICLES OR BOOKS FROM 2017 UP TO NOW. PLEASE INCLUDE PAGE NUMBERS AND DOI’s. EXPand SLIDE’S CONTENT WITH READER NOTES IN EACH SLIDE. READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW . MUST INCLUDE SPECIFIC PICTURES OF SPECIFIC PLACES ON MY COMMUNITY, SEE BELOW TEMPLATES. You will complete a windshield survey of your community. The objective of a windshield survey is to assess a community in a short, simple way, compiling data to help form an analysis of that community. Simply put, a windshield survey is the equivalent of a community head-to-toe assessment. There are 6 elements that should be included in your windshield survey (See Community Assessment Template Download Community Assessment Template ). You will drive through your community and document your findings on a PowerPoint presentation. Take pictures of your community to enhance your PowerPoint presentation Conduct a Windshield Survey assessment (See attached) Drive around your community and take pictures (Will give you my area once assigned) Create a PowerPoint presentation no more than 10 slides addressing each area of the windshield study. (SEE TEMPLATE ATTACHED)

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