2025 Perform an internet search to identify and research a situation where a health care organization or individual

Workplace Violation Powerpoint 2025

Perform an internet search to identify and research a situation where a health care organization or individual provider in your field of allied health was sanctioned by the accrediting body (e.g., The Joint Commission) and another regulatory body for violating one or more of the accrediting body’s workplace safety, risk management, and/or quality care requirements. Taking on the role of chief safety or risk management officer in the organization or provider’s office who now must deliver an account of the chosen incident to the board of directors, develop a slide presentation containing a title slide, 12-15 slides of content, and a reference slide. Your presentation must incorporate the following: A brief summary of the incident, including a description as well as the outcome. A summary of the applicable MIPPA approved accrediting body, other regulatory standards (e.g., local, state), or licensing/certification standards that apply to the incident. A discussion of the mistakes and/or oversights made by the health care organization or individual provider that did or may have led to the incident that occurred, and an account of the preventive steps that could have or should have been taken to avoid them. A proposal outlining specific education or training the organization or provider will employ to ensure this type of incident does not occur in the future. Include concepts related to continuous quality improvement in your recommendations. An inclusion of a CQI tool to be used to implement the training or education program being proposed.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025