2025 Opportunity to be politically involved in community Opportunities to be involved in political matters are endless these

Healthcare Policy Advocate 2025

Opportunity to be politically involved in community- Opportunities to be involved in political matters are endless these days. I feel as a Nurse Practitioner I need to be cautious of how I represent my profession and ensure that I use EBP to be professional regarding change. In the past I have donated to AANP PAC in support of legislative change that impacts our profession specifically. In the past I have reached out to my areas congressman (without response) and advocated for improved scope of practice for Nurse Practitioners in the State of Florida. I come from areas of Full Practice Authority (FPA) and am shocked by the Florida reduced practice restrictions. Florida is considered Restricted Practice, which means the state practice and/or laws regarding licensure are restrictive and require physician oversight (AANP, 2021). This professional baffles me and I believe it reduces access for patients to seek care from all providers that could be readily available to them. This is especially unnecessary in the times of COVID-19 and creates a barrier to care. In addition, the cost of collaboration agreements can cost several thousand dollars per month, which arguably questions the ethical nature of this supervision (Sibilla, 2020). Area of political competency that needs further development- As a student and as a professional I know there are always areas that need further development. To improve my political competence it would be wise to improve my understanding of legislative processes, as it can take sometimes up to ten years to complete (Handzel, 2021). Being prepared with EBP and organized with the specifics of what I am advocating for, I can meet with my local leaders to discuss the general importance of ideas. Having focused, yet brief, conversation will help start a relationship to start the legislative process (Handzel, 2021). Twitter article- I selected the CDC article dated 8/15/2021 discussing pregnant and recently pregnant patients are more likely to have a severe illness if they get COVID-19, even though the risk is low. There is a link to the CDC page included in the article. Tweet- I would quote the tweet (retweet with a quote attached): If you are pregnant please get #covid19 vaccination ASAP. Per #ACOG and #CDC it is recommended to get your #vaxx to keep you and baby healthy! #vaccinessavelives #baby #pregnancy #vaccination #makegoodchoices #NPsLead #womenshealth #OBGYN Reference AANP. State policy fact sheet. Florida; Information and resources for Florida NPs. America Association of Nurse Practitioners. www.aanp.org/advocacy/florida (Links to an external site.) Handzel, S. (2021). Political competence and essential skill in nursing professional development. www.wolterskluwer.com/en/expert-insights/continued-leadership-development-for-npd-professionals Sibilla, N. (2020. How red tape keeps nurse practitioners from working. Forbes. www.forbes.com/sites/nicksibilla/2020/04/29/how-red-tape-keeps-nurse-practitioners-from-working/?sh=3d4aca4727a0 I NEED A COMMENT FOR THIS DISCUSSION BOARD WITH AT LEAST 2 PARAGRAPHS AND USE 3 SOURCES NO LATER THAN 5 YEARS.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025