2025 Week 5 Research Paper Full Sentence Outline Develop a full sentence outline of your research topic taking
LDR 2025
Week 5 Research Paper Full Sentence Outline Develop a full-sentence outline of your research topic, taking care to structure your thoughts on the topic in a coherent fashion that clearly illustrates your objectives and intentions. Your full sentence outline should identify your thesis statement, the leadership in healthcare topic, and also a leadership theory or approach learned in this course. You must incorporate at least one leadership theory or approach to tie into your leadership in health care topic in your final paper. You must incorporate the use of at least 6 references (as required in your final paper) to use within your outline. Follow the alphanumeric outline structure and use complete sentences. Use APA format throughout. Include citations as needed along with a title page and a reference page. Click here for further information on writing a full sentence outline or visit the Writing Resources area under the Student Resources tab. Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded. Tip: Review the rubric for this assignment and look ahead to week 7 to see what should be presented in the final paper. This will help guide you through the contents of your outline.
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