2023 Topic 3 HIPAA s influence on medical research Affirmative Pros HIPAA should be amended

Nursing 2023 informatic

Topic 3 HIPAA s influence on medical research Affirmative Pros HIPAA should be amended 2023 Assignment


Topic 3: HIPAA’s influence on medical research

Affirmative (Pros): HIPAA should be amended to allow greater access of medical information to medical researchers. (Group 4A)

Negative(Cons): HIPAA should NOT be amended to allow greater access of medical information to medical researchers. (group4N)


In your paper: Identify and define the issue. Include information for BOTH sides of the argument. Whom does it affect? What are the pros and cons? Discuss both sides of the issue. What does the public need to know? 

CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntro

25.0 to >19.0 ptsHigh Proficiency
Deliberate, creates interest Gives title/author if needed Clear, concise and specific thesis statement
19.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High Proficiency
Adequately introduces topic Thesis statement may be lacking specificity.
14.0 to >9.0 ptsProficient
Intro is too short – does not introduce topic Thesis statement is vague- should be more narrow
9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency
Some intro components missing Thesis statement is poor or unidentifiable
4.0 to >0 ptsNon-Proficient
Thesis missing Introduction does not introduce topic25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody: Organization

25.0 to >19.0 ptsHigh Proficiency
Organized throughout Logical, clear sequence Completely supports thesis Exhibits critical thinking Has consistent transitions Proper in-text citations Excellent transitions
19.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High Proficiency
Well organized Easy to follow Thesis could use more support (adequate but not extended) Majority of citations are correct Shows some original thought Has several transitions Majority of citations are correct
14.0 to >9.0 ptsProficient
Some org. problems Some gaps in flow Not enough thesis support Shows little original thought Some transitions Citations are incorrect
9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency
Difficult to follow May jump topics Does not prove/support thesis Citations incorrect Very few transitions
4.0 to >0 ptsNon-Proficient
No sequence Jumps topics frequently No in-text citations No transitions25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody: Fluency & Mechanics

25.0 to >19.0 ptsHigh Proficiency
Uses excellent vocabulary Stays on topic/meets assignment Correct tense/point of view Has sentence variety Correct spelling/punctuation Writes in scholarly style
19.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High Proficiency
Attempts higher level vocabulary with some success Stays on topic/meets assignment Mostly correct tense/point of view A few sentences lacking in variety Few spelling errors Writes in scholarly style
14.0 to >9.0 ptsProficient
Range of vocabulary Some tense/point of view errors Occasionally strays off topic Some sentence fragments/run-ons Proper spelling Quality of formal language
9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency
Vocabulary level Some tense/point of view errors Does not meet assignment requirements Many sentence fragments/run-ons Many spelling errors Majority of writing is informal
4.0 to >0 ptsNon-Proficient
Improper word choices Many tense and point of view errors Fails to meet assignment Many mechanical errors Writes informally25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

25.0 to >19.0 ptsHigh Proficiency
Deliberate closing strategy Does not introduce new material Paraphrases thesis, but does not merely repeat introduction
19.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High Proficiency
Adequate closing Does not introduce new material Re-states thesis in same words, but does not completely repeat introduction
14.0 to >9.0 ptsProficient
Weak closing Does not introduce new material Merely repeats introduction
9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency
Weak closing Introduces new material Does not refer to thesis
4.0 to >0 ptsNon-Proficient
No formal closing New material introduced Does not refer to introduction25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppearance

25.0 to >19.0 ptsHigh Proficiency
No APA errors in margins, font type and size, spacing, headers, references, and citations
19.0 to >14.0 ptsModerately High Proficiency
Has 1-4 APA formatting errors
14.0 to >9.0 ptsProficient
Has 5-7 APA formatting errors
9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-Level Proficiency
Has more than 7 APA formatting errors
4.0 to >0 ptsNon-Proficient
No evidence of APA in paper25.0 pts
Total Points: 125.0


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