2023 My Future Goals and Scholarship This is a 3 page paper that discusses your journey in the RN BSN Program Students

Nursing 2023 Assignment 2

My Future Goals and Scholarship This is a 3 page paper that discusses your journey in the RN BSN Program Students 2023 Assignment

“My Future Goals and Scholarship”

This is a 3 page paper that discusses your journey in the RN-BSN Program. Students should highlight sources of new knowledge gained, how knowledge of EBP (Evidenced-Based-Practice) influences their performance and critical thinking in their work environments, how Academic Student Learning (which is a volunteering at different facilities and trying to make a difference or improvement for the community) has influenced positively or negatively their willingness to engage in volunteerism in the future and lastly, what are their plans for scholarly undertakings after graduation (My plans are to work as Nurse working with Elderly for profit and non-profit organization, or maybe opening a day care facility for immigrants from the former Soviet Union). My other goal is to pursue Master Degree in Nursing as well.

APA format with headings and references required. Cover and reference pages are not counted as part of the 3-5 page paper requirement.

References required as always peer-reviewed Nursing Journal not older than 5 years, if you have any questions, please ask me.

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