2023 Trust may be something we take for granted until it is injured or destroyed

Nursing 2023 Title
Begin this paragraph with your introduction. The introduction should briefly talk about
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Trust may be something we take for granted until it is injured or destroyed 2023 Assignment

Trust may be something we take for granted until it is injured or destroyed. When that happens, it assumes a new importance. When you think of the people that are important in your life, these are most likely people you trust. We live in a time when we are frequently reminded that trust has to be earned and then reevaluated. Think of some of the public figures that had been trusted and then lost that trust. As you work on this assignment, start developing your trust meter, the instrument that guides you when evaluating trustworthiness. 

 Objectives • Analyze the evolving professional nursing roles of leader/manager within a dynamic health care team • Design unique strategies to promote adaptation to the professional nursing roles. • Utilize the critical thinking process in problem solving and decision making. 

Directions Before completing this assignment, read the first section (pages 1- 26) of Covey’s The Speed of Trust. In this assignment, you will write a short (1-2 pages), opinion paper. The paper is to be based on your own experiences and opinions. You should critically reflect on your personal experiences and apply what you have learned in the module to your current practice. Justify and explain your responses with examples and thorough explanations. Consider your current or past place of employment, and discuss the following: a. The level of excellence at this institution is (select high or low); possibly because of the high/low level of trust the employees have of the administration. This level of trust of administration is illustrated by: b. The level of excellence at this institution is (select high or low); possibly because of the high/low level of trust the administration has of the employees. This level of trust of the employees is illustrated by…..

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