2023 Module 3 1 Learning Resources Readings Nelson R Staggers N 2018 Health informatics

Nursing 2023 Foundational Information in Health Informatics

Module 3 1 Learning Resources Readings Nelson R Staggers N 2018 Health informatics 2023 Assignment

Module 3.1 Learning Resources 


· Nelson, R., & Staggers, N. (2018). Health informatics: An interprofessional approach (2nd ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. 

o Chapter 16 Strategic Planning and Selecting an Information System

o Chapter 17 Project Management Principles for Health Informatics

o Chapter 18 Contract Negotiations and Software Licensing

o Chapter 19 Implementing and Upgrading and Information System

o Chapter 20 Downtime and Disaster Recovery for health Information Systems

· Harrison, J. P. (2010). Strategic planning and SWOT analysis. Essentials of strategic planning in healthcare (pp 91-97). Health Administration Press. Retrieved from https://www.ache.org/pdf/secure/gifts/Harrison_Chapter5.pdf  

· Punke, H. and Zimmerman, B. (2017, January 18). 10 Top patient issues for 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/quality/10-top-patient-safety-issues-for-2017.html 


· American Medical Association. (2018). Electronic health record (E H R) software selection and purchase. Retrieved from https://www.stepsforward.org/modules/ehr-software-vendor-selection 

· Moja, L. et al. (2014). Effectiveness of computerized decision support systems linked to electronic health records: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Accessed from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4232126/ 

· HealthIT. (2016). E H R contracts untangled. Retrieved from https://www.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/playbook/pdf/ehr-contract-guide.pdf


· Laureate Education (Producer). (2017). The Systems Development Life Cycle [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author

· Module 3.1 Acitvity 

This Learning Activity will help you to develop skill

Competency Modules:

In this competency you will examine three learning modules:

  • Module 3.1.: Life Cycle of a Health Information System 

It is recommended that you complete this optional activity.

Life Cycle of a Health Information 

System includes the replacement of the information system currently in place for the electronic health record in the hospital and associated provider offices.

You will create a voice over PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes, that addresses:

· The system life cycle process and the role of employees in the process.

· The identification and roles of at least five stakeholders.

· Explain the purpose of a minimum of four key project management tools planned for the project

· Develop a communication plan for the project. In addition to the course resources, include a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare the reference list according to current APA guidelines. 

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