2023 Brainstorming Solutions to Hospital Mistakes Your instructor was invited to give an opinion as a patient

Nursing 2023 Brainstorming Solutions to Hospital Mistakes

Brainstorming Solutions to Hospital Mistakes Your instructor was invited to give an opinion as a patient 2023 Assignment


Brainstorming Solutions to Hospital Mistakes

Your instructor was invited to give an opinion as a patient advocate at a retreat organized by agencies of the federal government, such as the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the Office of Health and Human Resources. The topic was a Partnership for Patients. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) showed the data on hospital survey measures. The data showed that significant progress was made in the last four years and that more and more hospitals are achieving higher scores.

The instructor asked a simple question, “If there is so much progress made in critical hospital measures, then why is the number of patients dying from hospital mistakes significantly going up every year?” The estimated deaths in 2010 were 99,000 deaths. The 2016 estimate is about 440,000 deaths.

In this discussion, explain the reasons you think there are more deaths in spite of the significant progress in hospital performance measures. Then, provide one remedy or solution. At Minimum 250 Words APA format. Include two references to support your opinions.

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