2023 General Directions for Focus Papers Each focus paper must be written in a scholarly manner using proper APA

Nursing 2023 Nature and Scope of Health Problem (HIV-AIDS) –WINGFLIERS

General Directions for Focus Papers Each focus paper must be written in a scholarly manner using proper APA 2023 Assignment

General Directions for Focus Papers:

  1. Each focus paper must be written in a scholarly manner using proper APA format (6th edition).
  2. Each focus paper must be at least 750 words in length. The 750 words do not include the title page, reference list or appendix.
  3. Your paper should not consist of more than 10% of direct quotes. This means that in a 750-word paper, no more than 75 words can be directly quoted from a source. Points will be deducted from papers exceeding the 10% limit. Instead of quoting, paraphrase the information in your own words.
  4. Your paper must be submitted as MS Office Word documents, using a Time New Roman 12-point font, double spaced and with page numbers on the upper right corner with your last name (CHECK APA MANUAL).
  5. In each focus paper, you must use at least three different credible, professional references to support your discussion.  Your references should be cited in-text and in a reference list using proper APA format (PLAEASE USE PROPER APA FORMAT).
  6. The order of your paper should be: title page, body of your paper, reference list and appendix.

Components of the Focus Papers:

For each Focus Paper, specific components or issues must be addressed.  Be sure you address each point in your narrative. 

Focus Paper #1: Nature and scope of the health problem (750 words)

  • Identify the health problem and summarize what is occurring in the body when a person has this health problem, including a description of the main co-morbidities and risk factors.
  • What is the scope of this health problem in the US? Quantify how many people in the US are affected by this health problem. Identify and quantify the sub-groups (racial/ethnic, gender, etc.) that are most affected by this health problem.
  • Discuss why these groups are affected more than others (health disparities). Use data (statistics) from credible sources to support your discussion.
  • Using APA format, create a reference list citing all the sources used in writing your paper.
  • Interpret and include at least one graph or table that relates to the content of your paper. You will discuss the graph or table as part of your narrative and include the graph or table in an Appendix at the end of your paper. Cite the source for the tables or graphs below each one and in the reference list using APA format.
  • Copy and paste this link to your browser for APA guideline: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/   


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