2023 Module 06 Course Project Final Submission Clinical staff members are not washing

Nursing 2023 Module 6 Final Submission

Module 06 Course Project Final Submission Clinical staff members are not washing 2023 Assignment


Module 06 Course Project – Final Submission 

  • Clinical staff members are not washing their hands between patients.
  • Employee attacks patients while under the influences of narcotics.

It’s time to put your two compliance plans all together into one report. Be sure to implement your instructor feedback and proofread all your work one last time. In addition, check the requirements in the original assignment.

Be sure to write a summary statement and insert it at the end of the project before the References Page. (See the outline below.) In your summary statement, describe your own journey in working on this project. Explain how this project has strengthened your understanding of compliance rules and regulations.

Your final plan should include the following. Note the overview at the beginning and the summary statement at the end. Remember to check details to insure that your plans will be understood by all employees at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer.

  • Cover Page
  • Overview of Compliance
  • First Compliance Plan
    • Policies
    • Procedures
    • Monitoring Tools
  • Second Compliance Plan
    • Policies
    • Procedures
    • Monitoring Tools
  • Summary Statement
    • How this project has strengthened your understanding of compliance rules and regulations.
  • References Page
    • At least twelve research references for both compliance plans.

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