2023 Case Management Implementation Plan Create a plan to implement case management at your workplace What is your recommended plan for

Nursing 2023 Case Management Implementation Plan

Case Management Implementation Plan Create a plan to implement case management at your workplace What is your recommended plan for 2023 Assignment


Case Management Implementation Plan 

Create a plan to implement case management at your workplace.  What is your recommended plan for the use of case managers in your organization for patients with your chosen chronic illness?  Identify people within your organization who are stakeholders or would support your plan.  Whose support do you need to get your plan implemented?  Identify your goals – what do you hope to accomplish with your case management plan?

Often, starting with our goals helps – it’s a backwards design.  As we think about a case management plan we are proposing for our workplace, what do we want to accomplish?  Remember – goals should be measurable.  For example, if the chosen chronic disease is diabetes, one goal may be:

  • Clients will have decreased incidences of hyperglycemia requiring hospitalization

Once we determine what we want to accomplish, we can begin to construct our plan to achieve the goal.  To achieve this goal, our plan may include providing education in a manner the client can understand (being sensitive to cultural needs), access to phone support, or inputting glucose readings into their electronic health record for documentation the case manager can evaluate and use to reach out to the client. 

To put this plan in action, whose support would we need?  Primary Care Physicians, Utilization Review personnel, and the Chief Financial Officer would all have an interest in optimizing patient health and reducing costs.

Reading and Resources

Read Ferrier, G. D., & Trivitt, J. S. (2013). Incorporating quality into the measurement of hospital efficiency: A double DEA approach. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40(3), 337-355. https://search.proquest.com/docview/1448800469?accountid=169658

Search the site for US Department of Health and Human Services “Hospital Compare” and use the interactive database to compare and contrast health plans, hospitals, etc. How might you use this site with patients as a case manager?

Additional Instructions:

  • All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
  • Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
  • Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  • Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
  • Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Options:

Choose One:



  • 4 to 6-page paper. Include title and reference pages.

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