2023 5 DQ 2 The values beliefs experiences culture and how they adhere to society standards

Nursing 2023 Intervention And Ethical Decision-Making

5 DQ 2 The values beliefs experiences culture and how they adhere to society standards 2023 Assignment

 5 DQ 2

The values, beliefs, experiences, culture, and how they adhere to society standards, moral codes, and religious practices all contribute to an individual’s worldview (Evans, 20202). My spirituality has shaped my world views, in that it has influenced aspects of my wellbeing, including my professional life. Believing that all humans are created with the same value, dignity and worth despite their world views, I approach spiritual care with an open mind to find the commonality in our shared values. I engage from a non-judgmental angle.

     My lack of knowledge of different religions or spiritual views would be my disadvantage in providing appropriate spiritual care to a patient with different world views perspectives. My strengths are my willingness and open-minded approach to learning that which I do not know about their religious practices. To be present, be an active listener, while providing spiritual care that is within my scope of practice. In addition, reaching out to other disciplines to help with spiritual care in areas where I may have a defect and encourage patients to engage in their spiritual belief as spiritual connections help patient’s wellbeing.

     Atuonomy will remain mine unless I am no longer intact cognitively or psychology, in that case a health proxy would be appointed prior to enforce my wishes.

  When it comes to facilitating spiritual care for patients with worldviews different from your own, what are your strengths and weaknesses? If you were the patient, who would have the final say in terms of ethical decision-making and intervention in the event of a difficult situation?  

Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years.

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