2023 Overview Write a 6 8 page professional development plan for your work as a nurse educator Learning never stops for the nurse

Nursing 2023 Creating A Professional Development Plan

Overview Write a 6 8 page professional development plan for your work as a nurse educator Learning never stops for the nurse 2023 Assignment


  •  Overview
        Write a 6–8-page professional development plan for your work as a nurse educator.
    Learning never stops for the nurse educator. Lifelong learning is  necessary to stay current both in the practice world and in education.  Nurse educators need to have a plan for their own continued professional  development that will help them maintain and advance their skills both  as nurses and as educators.
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  • Toggle Drawer  Context
        The Institute of Medicine has urged nurses to be leaders in health  care change, and that requires educators to be at the forefront of those  changes. 
    Read more about nurse educators as scholars and educators in the Assessment 4 Context [PDF] document.
  • Toggle Drawer  Questions to Consider
        As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think  about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your  viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and  discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested  friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these  questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need  to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.
  • What are some approaches that nurse educators can use when encountering resistance to change?
  • How might effective leadership styles be the same or different for the following roles?      
    • BSN nursing faculty.
    • Community health educator.
    • Staff development educator.
  • What are some ways that scholarship fits with nursing practice?
  • How do you or would you view the following evaluation processes  as an educator? What can be most useful to faculty from student  evaluations?      
    • Regular evaluation of nurse educators by students and administrators.
    • Peer evaluations of teaching skills.
  • Toggle Drawer  Resources
        Required Resources
    The following resources are required to complete the assessment.
    Capella Resources
  • Assessment 4 Context [PDF].
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  •  Assessment Instructions
        Write a 6–8-page professional development plan for your career as  an MSN-prepared nurse. The professional development plan should include  the following:
  • Introduction: A brief introductory paragraph that clearly states the purpose of the paper.
  • Area of focus: A description of your specific  area of focus in nursing education, the position that you wish to  obtain, and the educator competencies that you will need as an  MSN-prepared nurse.
  • Professional goals: A statement of your specific  professional goals (a minimum of three) and discussion of their  relationship to your nurse educator philosophy.
  • Influences: A brief description of any  additional forces (social, economic, political, or institutional) that  may influence your nursing education role.
  • Analysis: An analysis of how you will carry out  scholarship activities as an MSN-prepared nurse and a specific plan for  scholarship based on a model.
  • Leadership role: A discussion of specific ways (a minimum of two) that you will develop a leadership role in your chosen area of focus.
  • Development plan: Specific plans for professional growth and any additional education, certifications, or training to be acquired.
  • Reflection: A reflection in a concluding  paragraph on your abilities to meet goals and achieve your professional  development plan and ethical practice.
  • Additional Requirements
    Your assessment should meet the following requirements:
  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of grammar and spelling errors that distract from the content.
  • APA format: Use correct APA format, including  running head, page numbers, and a title page. Citations and references  (if used) are to be in correct APA format.
  • Format: Submit your assessment as a Word document.
  • Length: 6–8 double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point.
  • Creating a Professional Development Plan
    View Scoring Guide Use the scoring guide to enhance your learning. How to use the scoring guide     
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