2023 On the Discussion Board we will be exploring conceptual models Hamric s Integrative

Nursing 2023 Role Of Advance Nursing Week One Discussion

On the Discussion Board we will be exploring conceptual models Hamric s Integrative 2023 Assignment

On the Discussion Board we will be exploring conceptual models.

Hamric’s Integrative Model of Advance Practice Nursing

The AACN Synergy Model

Strong Memorial Hospital’s Model of Advance Practice Nursing

Shuler’s Model of Nurse Practitioner Practice

This week you will describe how these models may help APNs articulate professional role identify and function. Conceptual models will serve as a framework for organizing beliefs and knowledge about your professional roles and competencies and provide a basis for further development of knowledge.

Question: Select one model from the above list and read the original source description. Address how well the model meets the following purposes:

a. Helping to organize your beliefs and knowledge about advanced practice nursing

b. Providing structure for research on advanced practice nursing

c. Providing a coherent structure in which concepts important to advanced practice nursing are identified and related to one another

d. Guiding curriculum development for advanced practice nursing

e. Allowing practitioners to see the bigger picture so that they can provide holistic and comprehensive care

Guidelines: Support your responses with scholarly academic references using APA style format. You are not writing an APA paper–but citing your sources in APA format.

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