2023 Post a creative response dance video video picture song poem puzzle etc demonstrating how you are adapting to COVID 19

Nursing 2023 discussion 2 response

Post a creative response dance video video picture song poem puzzle etc demonstrating how you are adapting to COVID 19 2023 Assignment

 Post  a creative  response (dance video, video, picture, song, poem, puzzle, etc.) demonstrating how you are adapting to  COVID -19 and its management ? student 1 – I’m adapting to the COVID-19 virus by spending more time on my phone. My brother is a missionary in Germany self quarantined for the last 5 days due to shortness of breath, chills, and cough with sputum. I communicate with him every morning to see how he is doing. He is starting to feel better, praise God! 

I also have a Chinese student that lives with my family back home and he sent me N95 masks that he got from his mom in China. 

Lastly my dad is a doctor and is recommending peptides for me to take to boost my immune system in all the craziness. I don’t usually take any kind of medication regularly so all of this is new to me.

student 2-  I have adapted to COVID-19 and its management by trying to be productive at home such as; organizing my desk for school and planning additions to my house with my husband. I’ve also rearranged our porch furniture so that I can enjoy the outside from there. I am an introverted person therefore I am not bothered by having to stay home. However, I do miss seeing my classmates. I hope everyone is healthy physically and mentally! The pieces of wood seen in my picture are representations of extended rooms for our house and trying to see a bigger picture of how  they would be set out. My husband and I were outside past dark trying to get a bigger picture of how we will see our home in the years to come! 

this is my classmate post related to the question above, can you please response to each of them in few sentence. thanks. 

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