2023 Jordan is a 14 year old middle school student who weighs 275 pounds and is

Nursing 2023 Case Study

Jordan is a 14 year old middle school student who weighs 275 pounds and is 2023 Assignment

 Jordan is a 14-year-old middle school student who weighs 275 pounds and is 5’6” tall. Over the past 2 years, he has gained 60 pounds, has begun to withdraw from social activities, and has avoided other students due to bullying from others his age about his weight/appearance. Lately, Jordan has been missing a great deal of school too, particularly on the days he has a gym. Jordan’s parents are both averages in height and weight. Jordan’s mother says that he just takes after his grandfather William, who “was a husky man, and died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 44.” She says, “We just have fat genes in the family; you can’t do anything about that!” 

He has been told he has “…no willpower, or is weak, and that he needs to change his lifestyle, eat less, and exercise more.” Jordan says “I go for a couple of days without eating, but then I get so hungry that I could eat the couch!”

Jordan has recently been diagnosed with gallbladder disease and has symptoms that typically occur after eating that include mild pain in the midepigastric region, radiating to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and right subscapular area of the body.

You are the nurse assigned to Jordan.

  1. What would you include in your initial assessment data based on the scenario provided?
  2. What would you teach Jordan based on the Recommended Daily Allowance from choosemyplate.gov (Links to an external site.) discussed in Week 1 and the information provided about gallbladder disease provided in Week 6?
  3. Based on your assessment data and the information from the scenario, what might be two high-priority nursing diagnoses to guide Jordan’s plan of care?

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