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2025 Please react to this post from another student is should have 3
by adminNursing Role And Scope DQ 12 Student Reply Martha Gomez 2025
Please react to this post from another student. is should have 3 paragraphs APA style. 3 references and less than 20 % of similarity. Question 1 Nurses spend most of their time with patients and their health history information. As a nurse, I must review records of patients, their health histories, and engage in therapy by administering the drugs. I should ensure confidentiality and privacy to patients’ information. I strictly follow the guidelines of the nursing oath to ensure that I keep the patient’s information as confidential as possible. (Masters, 2017). As a nurse, I will observe privacy and security in the workplace to ensure that patients’ information is protected from unauthorized personnel. For instance, the computers that are used to store the patients’ information should have a password, and also, the recording room should strictly close to ensure confidentiality and privacy. Also, I should be compliant with the rules and regulations of health insurance portability and accountability act (Masters, 2017). I should understand ways of protecting the health information, time to share, whom to share with, and how. I ensure that I allow patients to have the right to decide on how their health information will be shared. The nurse must know how to implement sensible safeguards to reduce cases of disclosures (Masters, 2017). Also, the patient information should the private, and there should be well-monitored disposal of the information in adherence to privacy policies in the workplace. Question 2 The role of information management is to help the nurses to analyze and to maintain patient data. Information management is very vital in nursing practice. The adoption of technology in documenting patient’s information is important in making it readily available. It makes it readily available and be interpreted by the nurses, especially for patient’s vital signs (Masters, 2017). Healthcare information management professionals play an essential role in collecting, analyzing, storing, retrieving, and maintaining data. Nurses use the information in disease diagnosis and coding. The report also gives guidelines to various patients’ medical services procedures. Personal notes are another important aspect in assisting nurses in documenting patient’s information (Masters, 2017). Using a template of notes assists in reducing the nurses’ workloads. Nurses can establish patients’ needs and preferences using the information stored. The data collected from various centers can assist nurses in establishing the health situation of an area. Thus, it will be easy to develop medication before the situation worsens. Question 3 The underserved population is exposed to the use of technologies such as mobile phones that they use in sending and receiving messages. They are also exposed to the internet that helps them access health information from the doctors (Masters, 2017). The use of Telehealth is very prevalent in South Florida. Another innovation called Babyscripts remotely monitors the patients in their homes (Wile, 2017). Its aides in serving the underserved communities, especially the Spanish speaking. The use of the internet and cell phone helps the underserved population of Florida to receive alert messages from the doctor sharing the diagnosis results. Nurses should observe the confidentiality and privacy policies of the patients’ information by adhering to the rule and regulation of health insurance portability and accountability act (Masters, 2017). Also, the use of technologies such as cell phones and the internet, commonly use Google Health and the Microsofts’ Health Vault, helps provide alert information from the doctors, thus increasing the healthy lifestyle of the underserved population. Patients accessing these services are assured of the privacy of their health information, thus not being the target of advertisers. References Masters, K. (2017). Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice (4th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-284-07832-9 Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.).2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 Wile, R. (2017). How South Florida is winning at health tech – The New Tropic . The New Tropic. Retrieved 18 March 2020, from .
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 How do you see the benefit of using both the Community Nursing
by adminNursing Theory 2025
How do you see the benefit of using both the Community Nursing Practice Model and Locsin’s Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing in today’s nursing environment? I’m currently living in the State of Florida and in the city of Miami Beach. I live in a diverse community from people of all over the world. Keep in note everything that is happening with the COVID-19.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Technology has already dramatically transformed health care shaping both consumer and provider expectations With advances in technology however have come
by adminWeek 12 2025
Technology has already dramatically transformed health care, shaping both consumer and provider expectations. With advances in technology, however, have come new opportunities, limitations, and challenges. Technology can cut costs, improve patient outcomes, streamline workflow, and improve information accessibility. It can also be costly, require almost limitless ongoing training, and continually bring about new ethical dilemmas, including the need to assure the “human element” is not lost in patient care. Determining what technology should be developed and how it should be used in an era of limited resources, with vulnerable populations, raises multiple ethical questions. Faculty at a college of nursing present a seminar for their students on the use of technology in today’s health care system. 1. Describe technology advances that are used in health care today. 2. The nursing faculty concludes the presentation by stating that decisions should be made about what technology can best be used in each individual setting and how it should be used. Describe some points to consider in implementing technology in health care.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Submitting a rough draft of a paper or project gives the writer a chance to receive feedback on
by adminEnvironmental Issue Topic Research Paper 2025
Submitting a rough draft of a paper or project gives the writer a chance to receive feedback on the paper and make revisions in anticipation of the final draft submission. A rough draft does not need to be a polished work but it should still adhere to APA guidelines and include all necessary components as listed in the Environmental Issue Project – Introduction from Module 02 . Your assignment is to deliver the rough draft for your Environmental Issue Project. TOPIC IS POLLUTION!! Make sure that you have followed the requirements and made any corrections that were needed. Your final paper should address the following key points: The Controversy: Identify the controversy The Major Players: Who is involved? Why are they involved? Important Facts: State relevant facts concerning the issue. Try to separate fact from opinion. Try not to show your own bias. Properly use APA citations Side One: Arguments; state briefly and cite your sources Side Two: Arguments; state briefly and cite your sources Your Opinion and Rationale: I believe that…, We should…, I feel that… Use supporting arguments and rationale. What arguments would you use to present to those who disagree with you? Cite all of your sources. References: Alphabetize your sources. Make sure there are sources representing both sides of the issue.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025