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2025 Based on Case Study Fetal Abnormality see attachment and other required topic study materials write a 750 1 000 word reflection that answers
by adminCase Study On Moral Status 2025
Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” (see attachment) and other required topic study materials, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions: What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity? Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected? How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action? What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action? Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric (attached ). Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Among the Resources in this module is the Rutherford 2008 article Standardized Nursing Language What Does It Mean for
by adminThe Impact Of Standardized Nursing Terminology 2025
Among the Resources in this module is the Rutherford (2008) article Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice? In this article, the author recounts a visit to a local hospital to view the recent implementation of a new coding system. During the visit, one of the nurses commented to her, “We document our care using standardized nursing languages but we don’t fully understand why we do” (Rutherford, 2008, para. 1). How would you respond to a comment such as this one? To Prepare: Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources, particularly Rutherford, M. (2008) Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice ? Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker. Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed. The Assignment: In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following: Explain how you would inform this nurse (and others) of the importance of standardized nursing terminologies. Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing standardized nursing terminologies in nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to support your paper with peer-reviewed research on standardized nursing terminologies that you consulted from the Walden Library.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Your quest to purchase a new car begins with an identification of the factors important to you
by adminEvidence-Based Project, Part 3: Advanced Levels Of Clinical Inquiry And Systematic Reviews 2025
Your quest to purchase a new car begins with an identification of the factors important to you. As you conduct a search of cars that rate high on those factors, you collect evidence and try to understand the extent of that evidence. A report that suggests a certain make and model of automobile has high mileage is encouraging. But who produced that report? How valid is it? How was the data collected, and what was the sample size? In this Assignment, you will delve deeper into clinical inquiry by closely examining your PICO(T) question. You also begin to analyze the evidence you have collected. To Prepare: Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry. Develop a PICO(T) question to address the clinical issue of interest for the Assignment. Use the key words from the PICO(T) question you developed and search at least four different databases in the Walden Library. Identify at least four relevant systematic reviews or other filtered high-level evidence, which includes meta-analyses, critically-appraised topics (evidence syntheses), critically-appraised individual articles (article synopses). The evidence will not necessarily address all the elements of your PICO(T) question, so select the most important concepts to search and find the best evidence available. Reflect on the process of creating a PICO(T) question and searching for peer-reviewed research. The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project) Part 3: Advanced Levels of Clinical Inquiry and Systematic Reviews Create a 6- to 7-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following: Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest. Describe how you developed a PICO(T) question focused on your chosen clinical issue of interest. Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles you selected. Provide APA citations of the four relevant peer-reviewed articles at the systematic-reviews level related to your research question. If there are no systematic review level articles or meta-analysis on your topic, then use the highest level of evidence peer reviewed article. Describe the levels of evidence in each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, including an explanation of the strengths of using systematic reviews for clinical research. Be specific and provide examples
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership The role of the health care professional includes being a
by adminLeadership 2 2025
Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership The role of the health care professional includes being a moral agent or a person whose actions affect themselves and others at a moral level. It is important to have a personal ethic or moral framework in which you ground your practice and professional relationships. The purpose of this assignment is to explore and create a foundation for leadership and ethics in your professional practice. Write a reflection on the nature, sources, and implications of your values, beliefs, and ethical perspectives that guide your personal life and nursing practice. Please note, grading is based on the clarity and depth of your writing and the apparent effort given the assignment, not on the rightness or wrongness of your position. You are encouraged to be honest in your self-assessments and conclusions. Each of the following points must be addressed in your essay: Primary influences (childhood and adult) Ethical principles that influence you personally and professionally Ethical practice of professional nursing Ethical leadership and professional development plan. Include both positive and negative aspects of your character that emerge when you are in a position of authority Assignment Expectations: Length: 1500 to 2000 words total. Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion. References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Your assignment should include at least two (2) scholarly sources PLUS the textbook. Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level. Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF document (.pdf) File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example RHall Assignment 1.docx) Submission: Submit to the D2L dropbox for grading prior to Monday at 11:59pm PST
Nursing Assignment Help 2025