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2025 Write an essay addressing each of the following points questions Be sure to completely answer
by adminThe Future Of Healthcare Informatics 2025
Write an essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each number item. There should be three sections, one for each item number below, as well the introduction (heading is the title of the essay) and conclusion paragraphs. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment. Identify the current role of the informatics nurse and predict the future role of the informatics nurse, based on scholarly sources. Explain what is meant by connected health. Provide three examples of connected health in today’s healthcare environment. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of each. In what ways has informatics impacted public health – please provide at least three examples Length : 500 words per essay prompt/section (1500 total for this assignment) Structure : Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. All APA Papers should include an introduction and conclusion. References : Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 WEEK 13 Trace the history of cannabis use in medicine for the treatment and management of
by adminWeek 13/ Discussion 11 2025
WEEK 13 Trace the history of cannabis use in medicine for the treatment and management of illness via nursing scholarly journal articles. Examine your sources for the following information below and describe the following: 1. Who are the stakeholders both in support of and in opposition to medicinal cannabis use? 2. What does current medical/nursing research say regarding the increasing use of medicinal cannabis? 3. What are the policy, legal and future practice implications based on the current prescribed rate of cannabis? Attached below is an additional resource that details current state medical marijuana laws: National Conference of State Legislatures- State Medical Marijuana Laws: 1 1 01 Displaying 1 to 8
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 C ase Study Use APA 6th Edition Format and support your work with at
by adminCase Study 3 Pages , APA 6, 3 References, Similarities Less 5% 2025
C ase Study Use APA 6th Edition Format and support your work with at least 3 peer-reviewed references within 5 years of publication. Remember that you need a cover page and a reference page. All paragraphs need to be cited properly. Please use headers. All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences. Lastly, you must have at least 3 pages of content, no greater than 4 pages, excluding cover page and reference page. Case Study #3: Insomnia and Sleep Disorders S.H., age 47, reports difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. These problems have been ongoing for many years, but she has never mentioned them to her health care provider. She has generally “lived with it” and selftreated the problem with OTC Tylenol PM. Currently, she is also experiencing perimenopausal symptoms of night sweats and mood swings. Current medical problems include hypertension controlled with medications. Past medical history includes childhood illnesses of measles, chickenpox, and mumps. Family history is positive for diabetes on the maternal side and hypertension on the paternal side. Her only medication is an angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitor and diuretic combination for hypertension control. She generally does not like taking medication and does not take any other OTC products. Diagnosis: InsomnIa 1. List specific goals of therapy for S.H. 2. What drug therapy would you prescribe? Why? 3. What are the parameters for monitoring the success of the therapy? 4. Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy 5. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause you to change therapy. 6. What would be the choice for second-line therapy? 7. What OTC and/or alternative medicines might be appropriate for this patient? 8. What dietary and lifestyle changes might you recommend? 9. Describe one or two drug–drug or drug–food interactions for the selected agent.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Assignment Practicum Week 5 Journal Entry Learning Objectives Students will Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy
by adminPsychotherapy With Trauma And Addictive Disorder 2025
Assignment: Practicum – Week 5 Journal Entry Learning Objectives Students will: · Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy* = Use client with PTSD · Evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic approaches for clients* · Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders* Select a client whom you observed or counseled that suffers from a disorder related to trauma . Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal: · Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications. · Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client. · Explain whether any of the therapeutic approaches in this week’s Learning Resources would be effective with this client. Include expected outcomes based on these therapeutic approaches. Support your approach with evidence-based literature. · Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client. Assignment 2: Practicum – Week 6 Journal Entry Learning Objectives Students will: · Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy*( Use client with addictive Disorder) · Evaluate the efficacy of motivational interviewing techniques for clients* · Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders* Select a client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal: · Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications. · Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client. · Explain whether motivational interviewing would be effective with this client. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach. Support your approach with evidence-based literature. · Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client. Assignment 1: Supportive Psychotherapy Versus Interpersonal Psychotherapy Although supportive psychotherapy and interpersonal psychotherapy share some similarities, these therapeutic approaches have many differences. When assessing clients and selecting therapies, it is important to recognize these differences and how they may impact your clients. For this Assignment, as you compare supportive and interpersonal psychotherapy, consider which therapeutic approach you might use with your clients. Learning Objectives Students will: · Compare supportive psychotherapy and interpersonal psychotherapy · Recommend therapeutic approaches for clients presenting for psychotherapy To prepare: · Review the media in this week’s Learning Resources. · Reflect on supportive and interpersonal psychotherapeutic approaches. The Assignment In a 1- to 2- page paper, address the following: · Briefly describe how supportive and interpersonal psychotherapies are similar. · Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a mental health counselor. · Explain which therapeutic approach you might use with clients and why. Support your approach with evidence-based literature. Resources ( 3 + reference for each assign ) American Nurses Association. (2014). Psychiatric-mental health nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.) . Washington, DC: Author. Standard 3 “Outcomes Identification” (pages 48-49) Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Chapter 13, “Stabilization for Trauma and Dissociation” (pp. 469–508) American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Optional Resources Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2012). Behavioral health issues among Afghanistan and Iraq U.S. war veterans. In Brief , 7(1), 1–7. Retrieved from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2014). SAMHSA’s concept of trauma and guidance for a trauma-informed approach. Rockville, MD: Author. Retrieved from Wolpe, J. (n.d.). Joseph Wolpe on systematic desensitization [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Bruce, T., & Jongsma, A. (2010b). Evidence-based treatment planning for post-traumatic stress disorder [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Chapter 7, “Motivational Interviewing” (pp. 299–312) Chapter 16, “Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Addictions and Related Disorders” (pp. 565–596) American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Albrecht, U., Kirschner, N. E., & Grusser, S. M. (2007). Diagnostic instruments for behavioral addiction: An overview. German Medical Science Psycho-Social-Medicine , 4, 1–11. Retrieved from Fisher, M. A. (2016a). The ethical ABCs of conditional confidentiality. In Confidentiality limits in psychotherapy: Ethics checklists for mental health professionals (pp. 13–25). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/14860-002 Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. · Chapter 5, “Supportive and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy” (pp. 238–242) · Chapter 9, “Interpersonal Psychotherapy” (pp. 347–368)
Nursing Assignment Help 2025