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by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Develop a 4- to 6-minute video presentation to be uploaded into Kaltura, in which you include the following:Provide an overview of the criminological theory you selected. Include the main tenets and propositions in your overview.Describe how this theory explains the occurrence of crime.Include biological, psychological, social, and structural variables.Provide three crime reduction strategies or policies that are based on the theory that you selected. These may be existing strategies or policies, or ones that you create.Analyze how each crime reduction strategy or policy is based on the theory that you selected. Identify which theoretical tenet each crime reduction strategy or policy is based on.Summarize your presentation by explaining which types of crimes each of your strategies or policies will most likely impact and how they might contribute to social change.
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5 to 6 page PH.d Level | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
5 to 6 page PH.d Level | 2025 Custom Writing
Write a 5- to 6-page Executive Summary in which you complete the following:Provide an overview of crime and victimization in the United States and include current statistics of at least three major crimes (UCR Part I Crimes).Identify and describe three direct impacts of crime on victims and their families. Discuss whether these are short or long-term impacts.Explain which crimes have higher reporting rates and which crimes have lower reporting rates.Identify methods for improving rates of reporting for underreported crimes.Discuss how using statistics and improving reporting rates can lead to social change.
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Discussion Question ONE TO TWO PARAGRAPHS | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Discussion Question ONE TO TWO PARAGRAPHS | 2025 Custom Writing
Post your final revised paragraph responding to the research article, ensuring that your paragraph is a complete academic argument with all MEAL plan elements. Additionally, share at least one specific resource or strategy that has helped you revise and explain how it helped.Main Post-Critical readingArgument: Just because a piece of writing is published does not mean that it is accurate and free of biases.I have chosen this argument because often, we tend to assume that because someone’s article was published, the results are accurate and that we can go by their conclusions. We use their information to support our researches without assessing the work to see if it is accurate. What is more, is that most students do not know how to check if an article is accurate and bias-free.MEAL plan paragraph.Not all articles, even those that are peer-reviewed are accurate and free of bias and that one needs to assess them to verify their credibility. Most of the papers in various fields of study are never 100% accurate. Most of them have a confidence level of 95% which means that some of the conclusions are usually incorrect. The publisher of the paper usually cannot guarantee its correctness and the peer-review system also has its imperfections (Academia, 2015). Peer-review is not evidence of correctness nor is it a guarantee of it meaning one should not believe the results of an article simply because it is peer-reviewed. Scientific papers often aim at expanding the boundaries of knowledge. Therefore, there may be factors involved which the authors, publishers, and reviewers are not aware of. Publication of an article only indicates the acceptance of an idea and is only the start of the road. Peer-review on the other hand can be described simply as checking the sanity of the paper. While peer-reviewed papers are more likely to be correct, trusting them without critically evaluating them is akin to an appeal to authority (Lose & Klarskov, 2017). Citation counts do not also guarantee the reliability of an article. Authors often cite papers uncritically simply because they want to make their theory more plausible. Also, there are instances when papers have been cited but the algorithms do not work in practice. The accuracy of published papers varies because some publishers are stricter with what they accept than others. You will come across a published article whose language is not even comprehensible (Macdonald, 2016). Even in the cases of a much-respected journal, a peer-review does not verify the results of the study.
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Discussion 2: Polytrauma-wk7-2 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Discussion 2: Polytrauma-wk7-2 | 2025 Custom Writing
In 2010, I experienced a vascular occulusion in my left hand due to a medical procedure gone wrong. My husband was active military, so I spent 2 months working with a hand specialist at the San Diego Naval Hospital receiving the best care possible. However, it required me to be among the other patients in the orthopedic unit. For weeks, I sat with injured veterans. Most of them lost more than one limb, experienced facial deformities from burns, or had multiple deep and prominent scars. Day in and day out, I saw so many military personnel, mostly Marines and soldiers, coming to the unit for physical therapy, being fitted with multiple prosthetics, and having to re-learn how to walk, talk, or move their bodies in some way.At the end of my treatment, I was having five stitches removed from my wrist in a room that appeared to be more of a sports athletic room than a hospital. It had four long tables and each was shared by multiple patients. There were no curtains that separated the tables, so privacy was not granted. I was surrounded by soldiers and Marines. The Marine on my left had the majority of his right hand removed and one technician was removing his stitches, gloating over how wonderfully stitched what was left of his hand was and how proud she was of it. The soldier on my right lost his left leg and his left arm, and his right arm was severely damaged. He was stitched from his wrist to his shoulder, and a large abscess infected his forearm. His wife held their young son in her arms as she struggled to understand all the directions the doctor was providing. The soldier behind me had so much of his right thigh removed, and the scar that was left appeared as though a great white shark had almost bitten him into two. As I sat, the potent smell of betadine filled the air and I felt faint. Although I’m not sure if the medicine was the only thing that made me feel faint.It was when another Marine entered the room in a wheelchair with a long scar along his neck, was trying to move his left hand with all of his might and unable to do so, that I realized how easy it is to take for granted human faculties and good health. I sat, looking at my husband, feeling ridiculous for having such a minor injury, and continuing to appreciate those that serve and I was never so humbled.—Kristin Wilkinson, Navy Spousse (personal communication, 2010)For 2–3 hours in one day, alter your physical appearance (e.g., use crutches, use one hand or one leg, wear a blindfold or earmuffs/ear plugs, dishevel your appearance, or do not talk) to get a sense of what active duty military personnel who have been wounded by a physical injury or disfigurement might experience. If you currently have a disability, please share an insight you might have about the experience of physical trauma for active duty military personnel. Include in your report what the experience was like for you. Did you experience frustration. If so, why? Explain any insights you might have gained about what the experience might be like for a returning veteran and how it might impact his or her family.Post ( 2 to 3 pages)Describe your experience and explain what the experience of altering physical appearance was like for you.Explain any emotions you experienced and why.Explain any insights you gained about what the experience might be life for a returning veteran and how it might impact their family.
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