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Master’s Intro to educational psychology paper: Transcript of a Team Discussion | 2025
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Master’s Intro to educational psychology paper: Transcript of a Team Discussion | 2025 Custom Writing
Create a 5–6 page transcript of a hypothetical discussion between three team members comparing and contrasting three major developmental theories, and apply them to a case study of an 8-year-old girl.Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.SHOW LESSIn many professional roles in psychology, team members bring a case for discussion in meetings.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 3: Identify individual differences and the biological, cognitive, moral, social, and affective factors that influence learning across the lifespan.Identify factors in the profile that influence learning.Describe stages for each development theory.Explain the similarities between the three developmental theories.Explain the differences between the three developmental theories.Competency 6: Evaluate meaningful instruction using best practices from educational psychology theories.Analyze how each theory impacts the teaching and working relationship for the featured case study.Competency 7: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with university expectations for graduate education, including discipline knowledge and current APA formatting standards.Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, and correctly format citations using APA style.A team meeting is an excellent start to obtain consensus on the proper development theory to apply to the case study of an 8-year-old girl. Team members should be well-versed in one or more of the theories. Not all development theories would be applicable for the young person who is worried about how she will earn a passing grade in mathematics. For example, the team could discuss the advantages and disadvantages of constructivism, where new knowledge is built on the old; or they could discuss social cognitive theory and its basic tenet of self-efficacy, which is confidence in the capability to perform a specific task.To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.SHOW LESSPiaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson all had detractors. Do you agree or disagree with their detractors? Why?How does environment affect language and cognitive development?How does cognitive development influence a child’s behavior and sense of right and wrong?How do children learn to self-regulate?PreparationView the multimedia piece, Profile of Hakira Yilmaz, linked in the Required Resources for this assessment.ScenarioImagine you and two colleagues constitute a team of training and development specialists for a school district. In a team meeting, you bring in a case for discussion. Each team member has a personal theoretical framework, based on either Piaget, Vygotsky, or Erikson, and promotes their point of view during the conversation.DeliverableWrite a transcript of the hypothetical professional conversation. Each person takes the view of a theorist: Piaget, Vygotsky, or Erikson, as they discuss the case study of Hakira Yilmaz, an 8-year-old girl.Identify the factors in the profile that influence learning.Describe the main stages for each theory.Explain the similarities between the three developmental theories.Explain the differences between the three developmental theories.Analyze potential implications each theory might have when teaching or working with the student in the case study.Include in-text references and a final reference page.Additional RequirementsWritten communication: Writing is free of errors that detract from the overall message.Length: 5–6 pages.APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA manual style and formatting.References: A paper of this length should include in-text scholarly references. At the graduate level, you are responsible for determining the appropriate number of references. The majority of them should be original research articles published in peer-reviewed psychology journals (for example, those journals published by the APA). A few review or survey articles are also acceptable.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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CCMH/525 wk2 DQ3 | 2025
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CCMH/525 wk2 DQ3 | 2025 Custom Writing
CCMH/525: Research Methods For Mental Health CounselorsWk 2 Discussion 3 [due Mon]Wk 2 Discussion 3 [due Mon]Discussion TopicReview this week’s course materials and learning activities, and reflect on your learning so far this week. Respond to one or more of the following prompts in one to two paragraphs:In chapter 5 of Cozy & Bates (2015) different ways to measure variables are discussed. Thinking to your final research project discuss a method you will utilize and discuss why. If the types of methods are confusing please list what you feel you know, and what methods are confusing. Think about a correlation vs. an experiment for example.Students need to contribute two substantive posts in this discussion by the due date indicated. The substantive posts can be any combination of responses and replies.Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.Responses (8)Use this space to start a discussion!Make an initial post to start a discussion. Participants can add responses and replies.Marie Elien3 hours ago, at 7:25 AM NEWIn chapter 5, the authors talk about reliability. I’m a bit confused on whether reliability can be repeated. On page 101, the authors stated, ” when conducting research, you can measure each person only once; you cannot give the measure 50 or 100 times to discover a true score” ( cozby & Bates, 2015) . When reading this, to me it sounds like reliability can’t be repeated. Than on page 102, the authors talked about ” test-retest reliability- assessed by measuring the same individuals at two points in time” ( cozby & Bates, 2015). For my understanding, it’s now saying that reliability can be repeated and if the results are similar it is reliable. My question is can reliability repeated at anytime?Referencecozby, P, C., & Bates, S. C., (2015). Methods in behavioral research (12th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.ReplyMarie Elien4 hours ago, at 6:50 AM NEWFor my final research topic the best way to measure it is by interview and observation. I would ask my participants questions such as “being on a long-term antipsychotic treatment do you find your thinking process the same or is it getting slower?”. I will also question them about their memories ability, I will also examined them on how long they can focus on a task. I’m guessing this approach is called “face validity- the evidence for validity is that the measure appears on the face of it to measure what is supposed to measure” (Cozby & Bates, 2015). I will also observe their behavior while they are under treatment. This approach is called “interrater reliability- is the extend to which raters agree in their observations” ( Cozby & Bates, 2015).Reference:Cozby, P, C., & Bates, S. C., (2015). Methods in behavioral research. (12th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.ReplyNicole Coalter12 hours ago, at 10:31 PMI think for my final project in research I would like to be able to measure the reliability of what I am researching. After reading the text I saw more formal ways to know what reliability in research is. The two ways are that compromise each other are true score and measurement error. True score in the text means the real score of measurement and measurement error means that the score is unreliable (Cozy & Bates, 2015). I think as going into the counseling field understanding reliability as a consistent and stable measure of behavior will help better understand our clients. I feel that behavior is the biggest thing as future counselors we look at in treating clients. Whether the behavior is good or bad; how do we overall keep improving the positive behavior and help the client to change his or her own behavior those are my thoughts. What are is the class thoughts on this?Reference: Reference: Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2015). Methods In behavioral research (12th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.ReplyKatie Diaz17 hours ago, at 6:14 PMAs we progress in this class i am changing what my initial research question and focusing it down to something more specific. I think that my research question now is going to focus more on how depression affect people in the workplace, this way there are not very many variables to determine and it has one main focus. So with that in mind I think that best approach would be to do interviews and surveys to see how much a person’s depressions affects their work habits. By doing interviews it would have to be done by two people so that the “Interrater reliability is the extent to which raters agree in their observations” (Cozby, 2015). That way each person will be able to read the person’s actions and truly see how much depression is affecting them in the workplace.Reference: Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2015). Methods In behavioral research (12th ed.). Boston, MA:McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
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just need a response to the discussion | 2025
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just need a response to the discussion | 2025 Custom Writing
I just need someone to give a valid response to this Discussion that on of my classmate posted
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behavior modeling | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
behavior modeling | 2025 Custom Writing
You will write a research paper in which you apply theories of behavior modeling to explain positive or negative impacts of television and other media viewing on behavior. Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:Identify your position on the influence of television and other media viewing on behavior.Present evidence from your own research examining current media. Use at least two other resources other than the course text (see the Handout) to support your position. Be sure to reference specific concepts such as behavior modeling in your explanation.Based on theories of behavior modeling including: social cognitive theory, reciprocal determinism, behavior modeling, and related concepts, explain ideas and recommendations to strengthen the positive influence or to lessen the negative influence of television/media viewing.
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