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Discussion: Alternate Selection Procedure Validation Processes | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Discussion: Alternate Selection Procedure Validation Processes | 2025 Custom Writing
Effective selection processes can greatly enhance the quality and productivity of an organization’s workforce(Pulakos, 2005). Unfortunately, leadership in many organizations underestimates the importance of formal assessments and the safeguards they provide. Furthermore, they have misperceptions regarding their practical use and benefits such as determining the basis of organizational factors like absenteeism and employee turnover rates. Alternate validation strategies provide practical options to more traditional strategies while offering practices that meet regulatory requirements (McPhail, 2007). Providing alternatives provides greater flexibility in promoting tailored selection practices that still meet legal and professional standards.For this Discussion, select two alternate validation methods different from those presented in Week 3.(method used was: Rather, the assessment needs to identify whether the candidate shares the same values as those of the organization. As such, an effective selection process needs to identify candidates who will adapt to the organisation’s culture and can change accordingly to fit the current situation.)Post by Day 3 descriptions of the two alternate validation methods you selected. Then, explain when each might be appropriate in employee selection. Finally, describe two organizational factors and explain how they may influence your decision to use the validation methods selected. Provide concrete examples and citations from the Learning Resources and current literature to support your post.
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Cultural Contexts | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Cultural Contexts | 2025 Custom Writing
Cultural Contexts“Culture” has become more of an integral component to research in the social sciences. Briefly describe the importance of incorporating cultural concepts into the planning and modification of a program. In greater detail, define how you would evaluate a program based on its inclusion or omission of cultural context. Respond to a minimum of two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.This assignment is worth 4 points of the total course grade.This assignment aligns with the following weekly outcomes: 1,2,3.This assignment aligns with the following course outcomes: 1b,1c,2.
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Personality- Psychology | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Personality- Psychology | 2025 Custom Writing
Applying Freud
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Capstone Project Part II: Needs Assessment | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Capstone Project Part II: Needs Assessment | 2025 Custom Writing
Capstone Project Part II: Needs AssessmentPeople often use advocacy to create positive change for society. Advocacy represents the strategies devised, actions taken, and solutions proposed to influence change for the betterment of society. The key to successful advocacy and creating a successful strategic plan is to conduct a needs assessment to determine the needs or priorities for a given agency, organization, or community.A needs assessment is a systematic way of determining the gap between what an agency, organization, or community has and what is desired to meet the needs of individuals, groups, communities, or societies. The needs assessment will reveal whether there may be unmet services. It can then provide information about those needs and help inform your planning to meet them. The needs assessment also consists of planning who you need to target, how you will effectively gather new data, and/or how you will use existing data to inform your planning decisions.To prepare:· Think about the needs of the agency, organization, or community that you identified as being the focus for your strategic plan.· Consider how you might collect data from stakeholders regarding met and unmet needs.By Day 7The Assignment (2–3 pages):· Outline/describe steps you would take to conduct a needs assessment.· State which stakeholders you would contact and why you would contact each.· Develop a stakeholder survey related to your professional or societal issue.o The survey must be at least 10 questions.o Provide a justification for each question on the survey.o Provide a rationale for the type/format of questions on the survey.o State how you would vary items on the survey based on the role of the stakeholders who would complete it (administration, leadership, staff, recipient of surveys).
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