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Assignment 4 Thinking about Retirement | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Assignment 4 Thinking about Retirement | 2025 Custom Writing
Thinking about RetirementThink about your own retirement. In a 5 paragraph essay of at least 500 words, answer some or all of these questions:Do you expect to retire at a certain age? How much preplanning will you need to do? Do you expect to retire to a life of leisure, volunteer activity, new career, and so on? Where will you live—same family home, retirement community, part of the year in the north and part in a southern resort? Do you expect to be active grandparents/great-grandparents or somewhat disengaged from your offsprings’ families? What are your overall impressions of retirement—is it positive, neutral, or negative? Why? Use at least references to support your assumptions.Possible pointsStudent pointsYour essay clearly demonstrates an understanding of the issues people may face in retirement.50Your essay was at least 500 words long.30You used at least 2 resources to support your assumptions, cited using APA formatting.10Your work was free of spelling and grammar errors.10100
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psychology papers | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
psychology papers | 2025 Custom Writing
two topicseach one 2-3 pages1:post tramatic stress disorder2:kleptomania stealing
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,
Selection Battery I/O Psychology | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Selection Battery I/O Psychology | 2025 Custom Writing
PSY 331 Assignment 2: Selection BatteryDirections: create a selection system for the job of barber/hair dresser.Your selection battery must have:(1) At least 1 test, include a sample item, and a justification (reasons) why you chose to use this test 5 points(2) At least 1 of the following: biodata, biographical information, or application blank. Provide a justification (reasons) for your choice. 5 points(3) An example of a structured interview. The structured interview should include:a. A critical incident 5 pointsb. A question that addresses this critical incident using either the typical answer or key issue approach 5 pointsc. Include an example of a disqualifier, a skill level determiner, a past-focused, and future focused question 5 points
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Assignment #3 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Assignment #3 | 2025 Custom Writing
Assignment InstructionsAssignment 3 (Week 6)Baby Boomers in Middle AdulthoodThe largest segment of the U.S. population, the “baby boomers,” are moving into middle adulthood and, in some cases, even becoming grandparents. The advertising and marketing industries study this age cohort, and it has been increasing in visibility in primetime television, print ads, and in digital advertising, pop-ups, and internet solicitation.Find at least 4 images or video clips of advertising or other popular media that illustrate this point. Use a caption for each piece of media to explain the advertisements mirror the specific physical and cognitive changes in development referred to in this Chapter 15. Your captions should combine for a total of no fewer than 500 words.Use at least 2 resources (other than the images or clips) to support the claims you are making. Cite these using APA formatting.Possible pointsStudent pointsYour provided at least 4 images or clips with captions.20Your captions combined were at least 500 words long.20You demonstrated a clear understanding of the issues facing middle adults.40You supported your work with at least 2 references, cited in APA formatting10Your work was free of spelling and grammar errors.10100
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