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Culture and experience | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Culture and experience | 2025 Custom Writing
In this 500-word essay, you will reflect upon the ways that social, political, and cultural developments have an impact upon you and your actions.Your essay may be about how the economy has changed your work, how technology has had an impact on your career pursuits, why you decided to pursue your degree, or other factors. Consider the cultural expectations from co-workers, friends and family, and your response to these expectations. You are not limited to this list, but may think of any external force and your internal action and personal response.Author Seth Godin gives a definition of art that goes beyond the first impression of someone who paints, draws or makes music. In fact, you can engage in art whenever you aim to make a difference and share your potential. Thus, you can be an artist in customer service, manual labor, helping professions, or law enforcement. “An artist is someone who uses bravery, insight, creativity, and boldness to challenge the status quo. An artist takes it personally…Art is a personal gift that changes the recipient. The medium does not matter. The intent does. Art is a personal act of courage, something one human does that creates change in another (Godin, p. 83-84).” On this definition, your artistic expression may be pursuing your education, volunteering in your community, mentoring young people, or being the best parent you can be. The possibilities are broad.You should open with an introduction that gives the scope for your essay, a preview of your main points, and a thesis. You will answer the following questions.Define one external factor that you believe has an influence on you. Introduce it and explain what it is and why you believe it is a good choice for investigation.Write about the impact of this external factor. Assess how you may have had to change to adapt, or how you have taken action in the face of external change.In Godin’s definition, art is about caring, creating change, and acting courageously. How might you do this in the future? Social, cultural, and political forces may cause you to change, but how have you been able to create a change that you direct?The paper should conclude with a substantive and meaningful conclusion that restates the thesis and main points. You are welcome to write this paper in first person, since you are writing from your own impressions and experience.Reference:Godin, Seth. (2010) Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? New York, New York: Penguin Group
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Discussion: Military Personnel and Suicide-wk4-Dis6411 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Discussion: Military Personnel and Suicide-wk4-Dis6411 | 2025 Custom Writing
Serving in the military comes with a great deal of stress and crisis. It can range from combat duty to multiple deployments, concerns about family, and physical health to name a few.There is a stark reality with military service and veterans that suicide and suicidal ideations occur and have increased since 2006. What are the contributing factors of this increase in completed suicides and suicidal ideations? Are veterans more likely to hurt themselves than active duty personnel? For this Discussion, review this week’s resources and consider how helping professionals, military installations, the Department of Defense, or community outreach programs might help to change negative perceptions about suicide.By (2 to 3 Pages)Post one risk factor that contributes to suicide risk for active duty military personnel and veterans. Include whether you think active military or veterans are at a higher risk for suicide and why.Explain how helping professionals, military commands, or the Department of Defense can change the negative perceptions of military and veterans seeking help for suicide risk.Finally, explain one prevention method you might develop to increase awareness about active military or veteran suicide risk and explain why this might be effective.Select one article from Walden Library to support your response.Provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.Required ReadingsDick, G. (2014). Social work practice with veterans. Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.Chapter 12, “Veterans and Suicide” (pp. 187-204)Rubin, A., Weiss, E.L., & Coll, J.E. (2013). Handbook of military social work. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.Chapter 14, “Suicide in the Military” (pp. 225-244)Pryce, J. G., Pryce, D. H., & Shakelford, K. K. (2012). The costs of courage: Combat stress, warriors, and family survival. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.The costs of courage: Combat stress, warriors, and family survival (1st Ed.), by Pryce, J.G., Pryce, Col. D.H. & Shakleford, K.K. Copyright 2012 by Lyceum Books, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Lyceum Books, Inc., via the Copyright Clearance Center.Chapter 5, “Suicide and the Warrior”Harmon, L. M., Cooper, R. L., Nugent, W. R., & Butcher, J. J. (2016). A review of the effectiveness of military suicide prevention programs in reducing rates of military suicides. Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment, 26(1), 15-24.Blosnich, J. R., Brown, G. R., Shipherd, J. C., Kauth, M., Piegari, R., & Bossarte, R. M. (2013). Prevalence of gender identity disorder and suicide risk among transgender veterans utilizing veterans health administration care. Journal of Public Health, 103(10), 27–32.Hyman, J., Ireland, R., Frost, L., & Cottrell, L. (2012). Suicide incidence and risk factors in an active duty US military population. American Journal of Public Health, 102(Suppl.
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Assignment: Family Suicide Risk Intervention Plan-WK4/6411 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Assignment: Family Suicide Risk Intervention Plan-WK4/6411 | 2025 Custom Writing
Supporting a loved one in the military is truly a duty of its own. It is even more so if the military personnel suffers from trauma related to their military experiences. As a helping professional taking this course, it is likely you have studied suicide, motivations for suicide, ideations, assessments, and interventions. Think about what the family of an active duty military personnel or a veteran might face if their loved one becomes suicidal. How does the family react? What recourse does a family have? Could it be different for active duty personnel versus a veteran? For this Assignment, review this week’s resources.The Assignment (1 to 3 page):Craft a support plan for a military family.Include strategies or steps for military families for intervening with the loved one who may be suicidal.Consider this plan if the individual is active military and how a military command might play a role and if the individual is a retired veteran. How might a command impede or encourage an active duty member to get treatment?Support your strategies with two scholarly articles. Provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.Required ReadingsDick, G. (2014). Social work practice with veterans. Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.Chapter 12, “Veterans and Suicide” (pp. 187-204)Rubin, A., Weiss, E.L., & Coll, J.E. (2013). Handbook of military social work. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.Chapter 14, “Suicide in the Military” (pp. 225-244)Pryce, J. G., Pryce, D. H., & Shakelford, K. K. (2012). The costs of courage: Combat stress, warriors, and family survival. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.The costs of courage: Combat stress, warriors, and family survival (1st Ed.), by Pryce, J.G., Pryce, Col. D.H. & Shakleford, K.K. Copyright 2012 by Lyceum Books, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Lyceum Books, Inc., via the Copyright Clearance Center.Chapter 5, “Suicide and the Warrior”Harmon, L. M., Cooper, R. L., Nugent, W. R., & Butcher, J. J. (2016). A review of the effectiveness of military suicide prevention programs in reducing rates of military suicides. Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment, 26(1), 15-24.Blosnich, J. R., Brown, G. R., Shipherd, J. C., Kauth, M., Piegari, R., & Bossarte, R. M. (2013). Prevalence of gender identity disorder and suicide risk among transgender veterans utilizing veterans health administration care. Journal of Public Health, 103(10), 27–32.Hyman, J., Ireland, R., Frost, L., & Cottrell, L. (2012). Suicide incidence and risk factors in an active duty US military population. American Journal of Public Health, 102(Suppl. 1),138–146.
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Assignment: Community Assessment wk4-socw 6361 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Assignment: Community Assessment wk4-socw 6361 | 2025 Custom Writing
The purpose of this assignment is to broaden your understanding of a community, develop analytical skills regarding communities in relation to specific populations and their needs, and to better plan and develop interventions to address issues and problems facing the community.This assignment has three parts: Part I Understanding Your Community, where you will consider the current demographics of the community and analyze how that has changed over the past 20 years; Part II Community Assessment, where you assess your community and a problem within your community; and Part III Community Action Plan, where you develop a specific action plan to address the problem you identified. As you reflect on the learning resources and concepts from Weeks 1-4, be sure to explain what you have learned about the policy’s effect on various groups. Consider how will this knowledge assist you with your community action plan.Submit a 4-6 page paper. The paper needs to be well-researched and written using APA guidelines. Data should come from at least five sources.Part I: Understanding your CommunityAnalyze how your community has changed over the past 20 years. Use policy and community concepts and theories from the learning resources to support your analysis.Describe your community, using research and statistics to describe socio-demographic make-up. (For example: How many persons live in the city and/or in the town? What were/are their cultural/racial characteristics? What were/are their incomes, ages, political affiliations, etc.?)Part II: Community AssessmentDescribe a problem that the community is currently experiencing.Assess the duration, intensity, and frequency of the problem.Analyze the probable etiology of the problem, supporting your analysis with resources.Analyze the key elements and characteristics of the community that make it vulnerable to this problem.Analyze the key strengths of the community that give the community resilience and the potential for overcoming the problem.Identify major institutions (e.g., schools, factories, churches, attraction sites, etc.) and explain how these institutions contribute to or inhibit the community’s ability to address the problem?Explain which groups are most affected by the problem.Part III: Community & Policy Action PlanDescribe your proposed plan for community change.Explain the strategies and tactics you would you use to bring about change. Consider if you would need multiple strategies, and if so, explain which strategy would be used for each target.Explain any policies that may influence the ability, either supportive or prohibitive, to influence proposed community change.Explain what policies would need to be in place to ensure proposed plans are sustainable.Required ReadingsSOCW 6361 WebliographyThese websites will be required throughout the semester. Become familiar with these websites, especially when doing research for your assignments.Burns, J. C., Paul, P. D., & Paz, S. R. (2012). Participatory asset mapping: A community research lab toolkit. Retrieved from Toolbox. (2016). 2. Assessing community needs and resources. Retrieved from, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice. (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.Chapter 4, “Understanding the Ecology of Policy in Government, Electoral, Community, and Agency Settings” (pp. 100–140)Rome, S. H., & Hoechstetter, S. (2010). Social work and civic engagement: The political participation of professional social workers. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 37(3), 107–129.
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