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Wk 1, IOP 480: DR 1 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Wk 1, IOP 480: DR 1 | 2025 Custom Writing
Must be a substantive response. please further discussion.175 word minimumAPA formatAt least 1 referenceRespond to the following:Jessica Guidry7:15 PMHello Class,In terms of employee preferences, one can begin to think of their own current job. If there is one thing right off the top the head, would be increased wages. In a study performed by Kovach (1995), he states that not all employees found their jobs interesting, but rather the most requested preference was to have increased wages. Researchers are always evaluating what drives employees. It has been found that employees are driven by tangible items such, such as gifts or rewards (i.e. gift cards), while others are motivated by public and/or private praise, or maybe just a luncheon to boost moral within the office. However, no matter how it is looked at Kovach makes a very striking observation, that not all employees were thrilled or even interested about their jobs, which impacts performance greatly.Every year, employees can look forward to annual performance reviews. The leadership within an organization evaluate employee performance to determine if pay raises are warranted, promotions, if more employee training is needed, or even to evaluate and determine if there is a need to reduce the workforce. There are several types of assessments which can be used to determine these factors and according to SHRM (2020), the following are the most used in assessing employee performance:RankingForced DistributionCompetency-basedBehavioral360-FeedbackThough, these types of assessments can be useful tools. However, if making the work more interesting for employees through skill assessments, conversations with management, or any means to get the message across, employee morale and motivation would increase, as would production and employee performance.
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Discussion 6B Need by 12pm EST 9/18 Tomorrow | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Discussion 6B Need by 12pm EST 9/18 Tomorrow | 2025 Custom Writing
Advocating for Data Driven ProgramPart 1. ScenarioYou are a new school counselor in a school that has not been using data to drive the school counseling program. The veteran counselor at the school said that collecting data is a waste of time.What would you say to this veteran counselor? Support your thoughts with research from your readings.Part 2: Data drives InterventionProfessional school counselors examine student data (e.g., graduation rates, dropout rates, college-going rates, attendance, discipline referrals, report grades, school climate surveys, social-emotional data, etc.) to determine needed interventions. Using data garnered from these sources, professional school counselors design and create interventions and measure them using pretest and posttest scores. Data from these tests determine academic, personal/social, and college/career interventions.With that said, select two sources of data you would examine if you were at the elementary, middle, or high school and discuss two relevant interventions that you would implement to assist students in the academic, personal/social-emotional, and college/career domain.Please include in-text citations to support your assertions. Always include a reference or references with your post to demonstrate that you have reviewed the literature. Posts should be written in a scholarly manner.
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,
Discussion 6A Need by 12 pm EST 9/18 Tomorrow | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Discussion 6A Need by 12 pm EST 9/18 Tomorrow | 2025 Custom Writing
Building a Collaborative TeamImagine that you are a high school counselor. You recently conducted a needs assessment and determined that a College and Career Readiness Fair would help meet the needs of students with regard to post-secondary options and planning.Describe your step by step process in planning for the college and career readiness fair. Please be specific. Would you form a committee, would you speak with your administrator first, would you immediately seek out businesses and colleges, etc. Would you survey students to determine what colleges and careers they are interested in, would you send out information to parents, etc.Identify key stakeholders with whom you would collaborate and describe the role of each of the stakeholders you selected.Explain in detail why you would collaborate with each of the stakeholders.Please include in-text citations to support your assertions. Always include a reference or references with your post to demonstrate that you have reviewed the literature. Posts should be written in a scholarly manner.
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,
Compare and Contrast | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Compare and Contrast | 2025 Custom Writing
Comparison and Contrast of Cognitive TheoriesFirst, provide a paragraph of introduction that generally describes cognitive development over the lifespan. List your source for your answer. Scholarly sources are textbooks or educational websites or articles. Non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia or a dictionary will not count.StrengthsPiagetXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not in bold font and do double-space).VygotskyXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not in bold font and do double-space).Information-ProcessingXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not in bold font and do double-space).At the end of each subsection, list your source for your answer for that item. Scholarly sources are textbooks or educational websites or articles. Non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia or a dictionary will not count.WeaknessesPiagetXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not in bold font and do double-space).VygotskyXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not in bold font and do double-space).Information-ProcessingXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (not in bold font and do double-space).At the end of each subsection, list your source for your answer for that item. Scholarly sources are textbooks or educational websites or articles. Non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia or a dictionary will not count.ComparisonShare a paragraph on how these theories are alike.ContrastShare a paragraph on how these theories are different.
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,