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Professional Portfolio | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Professional Portfolio | 2025 Custom Writing
PortfolioYou will create a professional planning portfolio that contains a Core section—completed by all students—and either an Employment section or a Graduate School section, depending upon your post-baccalaureate plans. The final section of your portfolio will be a copy of your review paper, which has been corrected according to the feedback you received from your instructor.The Core section will contain the following documents:A statement describing your immediate and long-term career and life goals, including an explanation of why these goals are appropriate and realistic in terms of your curricular, extracurricular, professional, and personal experiencesStudents will write a paper reflecting upon their educational experiences within their psychology program journey, using the Program Goals as an organizational paradigm. That means you will organize your paper using the Goals. Sections of the body of the paper will correspond to the Goals. This paper should include thoughts regarding successes and challenges, new insights, and personal transformations. You should relate specific courses and concepts to your journey and to your future plans. This should be at a deep level rather than a surface mention. You must address each of the Program Goals which is displayed below and discuss how you have specifically met that goal, referencing courses, papers and concepts. List the Program Goal verbatim (with proper citation) and then address each component to receive maximum points. It is your choice to choose which course or paper meets the Program Goal; Program 2 is the only one that requires the use of course (300/ 305). The paper should integrate thoughts and knowledge from the cluster areas. It is not just personal thoughts. The reflective paper will be 7 to10 pages, double-spaced, not including the expected title and reference pages. APA format is expected and you must reference yourself when quoting from past papers. Only academic/scholarly sources should be used. You should organize it by the Program Goals and use headings per the APA Manual.A current, accurate, and professional-appearing resume or curriculum vitae writtenAn address where you can be reached after graduationb. The Employment section will contain the following documents:The results of a computerized job search that yielded at least three job possibilities and a brief report that explains why each of these programs is appropriate for you based on your immediate and long-term career and life goals as described in the first section of this portfolio.A professional-appearing cover letter that can be modified for specific job applicationsCompleted letter of recommendation request forms from at least three appropriate people who have agreed to write you strong letters of recommendation for a jobc. The Graduate School section will contain the following documents:Results of a search for appropriate graduate programs that yielded at least three possible programs and a brief report that explains why each of these programs is appropriate for you based on your immediate and long-term career and life goals as described in the first section of this portfolio.A professional appearing personal statement that can be modified for specific graduate programsCompleted letter-of-recommendation request-forms from at least three appropriate people who have agreed to write you strong letters of recommendation for graduate school
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Using the UMUC Library electronic databases, find an article from a recent issue of a peer-reviewed journal related to the… | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Using the UMUC Library electronic databases, find an article from a recent issue of a peer-reviewed journal related to the… | 2025 Custom Writing
Using the UMUC Library electronic databases, find an article from a recent issue of a peer-reviewed journal related to the biological basis of psychology, sensation and perception, or memory and cognition. The article should describe specifically an experimental manipulation by the researchers. Prepare a 2–4 page summary of the article in your own words including specifics regarding the overall purpose of the research in question, a clear statement of the researcher’s hypothesis, details regarding the study methodology, and pertinent results of the manipulation. Be sure to cite the article appropriately at the end of your review. Papers should be typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA style.Rubric Name: Article ReviewContentClear and concise explanation of the reasons behind the study including previous research in the area and a clearly stated hypothesis.Somewhat clear explanation of the reasons behind the study and clearly stated hypothesis.Some vague explanation of the reasons behind the study and no clearly stated hypothesisLittle mention of the reasons behind the study and no clearly stated hypothesis.No mention of the reasons behind the study and no clearly stated hypothesis.Clear detailed description of the participants and methods used to perform the research.Attempt to describe the participants and methods used to perform the research.Adequate description of the participants and methods used to perform the research.Vague the participants and methods used to perform the research.No description.Clear statement of the main results of the study. Detailed discussion of the researcher’s conclusions.Some reporting of results. Clear discussion of the researcher’s conclusions.Adequate description of the results of the study. Some mention of the researcher’s conclusions.Vague statement of the main results of the study. No discussion of the researcher’s conclusionsNo description of results.Thorough examination of the positive and negative aspects of the research. Detailed ideas of how the research might be improved or expanded. Comprehensive statement regarding the implications of the research. Thoughtful overall impression of the study.Thorough examination of the positive and negative aspects of the research. No ideas of how the research might be improved or expanded. Comprehensive statement regarding the implications of the research. Thoughtful overall impression of the study.Some examination of the positive and negative aspects of the research. No ideas of how the research might be improved or expanded. Comprehensive statement regarding the implications of the research. No overall impression of the study.Vague examination of the positive and negative aspects of the research. No ideas of how the research might be improved or expanded. No comprehensive statement regarding the implications of the research. No overall impression of the study.Didn’t write at all.Clearly written and well articulated. No errors.Clearly written and well articulated but a few errors.Somewhat well written and articulated with a few errors.Not well written or articulated with many errors.Didn’t write at all.Overall Score
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Psychology Essay Questions | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Psychology Essay Questions | 2025 Custom Writing
1. Choose one person from the following list whom you feel played an important role in the history of psychology: Freud, Pavlov, Skinner, Maslow, or Piaget. Describe what that person did, the approximate time that this person lived, what makes their contribution important, and criticisms of their work or theoretical position (10 points).2. David’s history teacher asked him why so many German people complied with Hitler’s orders to systematically slaughter millions of innocent Jews. David suggested that the atrocities were committed because the Germans had become unusually cruel, sadistic people with abnormal and twisted personalities. But this is wrong. Your task in this question is to use your knowledge of “the fundamental attribution error” and especially of Milgram’s research on obedience to highlight the weaknesses of David’s explanation and to offer a more likely explanation for the slaughter of millions of Jews during World War II. This question is to evaluate your understanding of the fundamental attribution error and Milgrim’s research on obedience. (10 points).3. Choose a behavior that you would like to modify or change using the principles of operant conditioning. Be sure to use and explain the following terms: operant conditioning, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, schedules of reinforcement, shaping and extinction. (10 points).4. Imagine that you were involved in a legal case in which an eyewitness claimed that he has seen a person commit a crime. Based on your knowledge about memory and cognition (see textbook to bolster your knowledge for this question; attend to research by Loftus especially), discuss some of the problems of eye-witness accounts. (10 points).
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Create an example of a research design that would call for a repeated measures ANOVA. Be sure to describe the research question, the independent variable(s), the levels of the independent variable(s), and the dependent variables. In your discussion, menti | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Create an example of a research design that would call for a repeated measures ANOVA. Be sure to describe the research question, the independent variable(s), the levels of the independent variable(s), and the dependent variables. In your discussion, menti | 2025 Custom Writing
Create an example of a research design that would call for a repeated measures ANOVA. Be sure to describe the research question, the independent variable(s), the levels of the independent variable(s), and the dependent variables. In your discussion, mention ways that the research question could have been answered using a between-subjects design.
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