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Two Short Papers, Goodwriter | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Two Short Papers, Goodwriter | 2025 Custom Writing
First Paper: Using one of these case studies, explain which intervention would be appropriate to utilize as a treatment intervention. What possible roadblocks might hinder treatment? Describe these differences and select an intervention that best fits your therapeutic style. Paper: Jenny is a 17-year-old who was struck to the right side of her forehead with a softball during a game. The blow was hard enough that it rendered her unconscious for nearly an hour, and she was taken to the emergency department. A brain MRI revealed encephalomalacia (softening of tissue due to damage) in the right area of the frontal lobe. In the weeks following the injury, what types of deficits might you expect, given the location of the injury? What do you think would be the medical recommendations for the recovery process?Textbook: both papers they need to be 2-4 pages with a reference page and it is REQUIRED to use the texts that I provided.
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Human Interactions 9-1 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Human Interactions 9-1 | 2025 Custom Writing
Furness and Gilligan (2010) stated, “There is a growing body of literature written predominantly for health professionals and more recently for social workers about the importance of developing and incorporating cultural and spiritual sensitivity and awareness in their work with others” (p. 2187). Spirituality, which may or may not include involvement with an established religion, contributes to human diversity and influences human behavior. An individual’s spirituality may be an important factor in his or her social environment. As a social worker, your awareness of a client’s spirituality may help increase your understanding of the client and his or her needs.Sensitivity to and respect for your client’s spiritual dimension reflects your appreciation of diversity. As you consider the potential impact of your clients’ spirituality on their perspectives and behavior, you must also consider how your spirituality might influence your interactions with a client.For this Discussion, you consider the impact of spirituality on your interactions with clients.Post a Discussion in which you explain how considerations about clients’ worldviews, including their spirituality or religious convictions, might affect your interactions with them.Provide at least two specific examples. In addition, explain one way your own spirituality (Christianity) or religious convictions might support your work with a client, and one barrier it might present.Finally, share one strategy for applying an awareness of spirituality to social work practice in general.300-400 WordsUSE MY REFERENCESreferences:Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.Barker, S. L. (2007). The Integration of spirituality and religion content in social work education: Where we’ve been, where we’re going. Social Work & Christianit, 34(2), 146–166.Crisp, B. R. (2011). If a holistic approach to social work requires acknowledgement of religion, what does this mean for social work education?. Social Work Education, 30(6), 663–674.Day, J. (2010). Religion, spirituality, and positive psychology in adulthood: A developmental view. Journal of Adult Development, 17(4), 215–229.
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Anyone? | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Anyone? | 2025 Custom Writing
Motor-Skill LearningMotor learning leads to a relatively permanent change in physical movements and activity of a person. This type of learning is related to acquiring processes needed for complex movements like speaking or playing the piano, which often start out as very difficult but through practice, they become much smoother and accurate. Additionally, motor-skill learning plays an important role in interpreting simple movements, such as reflexes, as the body and environment change. Therefore, though we may not be completely aware of motor learning as it takes place, it is a vital area of learning that is related to almost everything we do.Complete the Motor Training Activity at the following link:Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). (2008). Mirror-tracing activity. Retrieved from on the activity, address the following:Discuss your outcome with this activity. What did you learn about motor learning?Based on your readings, identify which theory of motor-skill learning best fits this activity. Why do you consider it to be the best fit?Apply what you have learned during this activity to a real-life learning experience, either for yourself, or for someone you are teaching.Write your initial response in 2 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.DUE TODAY WITHIN 8HOURS OR BEFORE
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,
IRB Checklist. | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
IRB Checklist. | 2025 Custom Writing
Review Argosy’s IRB Checklist. Gather information on Stanley Milgram’s study on obedience and authority. Using the IRB checklist as a guideline, what were some major concerns you had regarding the Milgram study? How would you redesign Milgram’s study to have it pass IRB standards?By Saturday, July 2, 2016 respond to the discussion question. Submit your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,