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Annotated Bibliography (10 pages) | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Annotated Bibliography (10 pages) | 2025 Custom Writing
To prepare, review: Annotated Bibliography at the Walden library to search for and retrieve at least ten to twelve articles relevant to your topic.Submit by Day 7 an Annotated Bibliography. Your annotated bibliography should include at least ten (10) to twelve (12) articles from peer-reviewed journals.Note that the Annotated Bibliography will serve as the foundation for the Background section of your prospectus (see Week 5 Application assignment).
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PSY W1-A3 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
PSY W1-A3 | 2025 Custom Writing
Assignment 3: Case Study Analysis IThe first step in understanding the behaviors that are associated with mental disorders is to be able to differentiate the potential symptoms of a mental disorder from the everyday fluctuations or behaviors that we observe. Read the following brief case histories.Case Study 1:Bob is a very intelligent, 25-year-old member of a religious organization based on Buddhism. Bob’s working for this organization has caused considerable conflict between him and his parents, who are devout Baptists. Recently, Bob has experienced acute spells of nausea and fatigue that have prevented him from working and have forced him to return home to live with his parents. Various medical tests are being conducted, but as yet, no physical causes for his problems have been found.Case Study 2:Mary is a 30-year-old musician who is very dedicated and successful in her work as a teacher in a local high school and as a part-time member of local musical groups. Since her marriage five years ago, which ended in divorce after six months, she has dated very few men. She often worries about her time running out for establishing a good relationship with a man, getting married, and raising a family. Her friends tell her she gets way too anxious around men, and, in general, she needs to relax a little.Case Study 3:Jim was vice-president of the freshmen class at a local college and played on the school’s football team. Later that year, he dropped out of these activities and gradually became more and more withdrawn from friends and family. Neglecting to shave and shower, he began to look dirty and unhealthy. He spent most of his time alone in his room and sometimes complained to his parents that he heard voices in the curtains and in the closet. In his sophomore year, he dropped out of school entirely. With increasing anxiety and agitation, he began to worry that the Nazis were plotting to kill his family and kidnap him.Case Study 4:Larry, a 37-year-old gay man, has lived for three years with his partner, whom he met in graduate school. Larry works as a psychologist in a large hospital. Although competent in his work, he often feels strained by the pressures of his demanding position. An added source of tension on the job is his not being out with his co-workers, and, thus, he is not able to confide in anyone or talk about his private life. Most of his leisure activities are with good friends who are also part of the local gay community.For each case, identify the individual’s behaviors that seem to be problematic for the patient.For each case study, explain from the biological, psychological, or socio-cultural perspective your decision-making process for identifying the behaviors that may or may not have been associated with the symptoms of a mental disorder.Based on your course and text readings, provide an explanation why you would consider some of these cases to exhibit behaviors that may be associated with problems that occur in everyday life, while others could be associated with symptoms of a mental disorder.Do not attempt to label or diagnose the mental disorder; there is not enough information in the case study. Just look at the behaviors presented.
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Preparation for Generating a Policy Proposal | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Preparation for Generating a Policy Proposal | 2025 Custom Writing
Preparation for Generating a Policy ProposalAlthough some states and cities have passed laws to ban texting and using handheld phones while driving, there is no current law to ban all cell phone use while driving. However, according to the National Safety Council (2009), 28 percent of all crashes—1.6 million per year—are caused by cell phone use and texting by drivers. The mission of a new national nonprofit organization called FocusDriven, patterned after Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is to make phone use while driving as illegal and socially unacceptable as drunk driving. US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood supports FocusDriven and its efforts.According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, LaHood said that this movement would become “an army of people traveling the countryside” to push for bans on cell-phone use and tough enforcement (Schmitz, 2010). As a political advocate interested in this issue, you will be writing a policy proposal that utilizes the current research to propose a solution to the issue and submitting it in Module 5.Annotated Bibliography: Effect of Cell Phone UseBefore you can write this proposal research, you will need to conduct initial research on the science behind this initiative. For this assignment, use the Argosy University online library resources to locate research reports from peer-reviewed journals that discuss the effects of cell phone use on vision, attention, perception, or memory. In selecting at least five research reports from peer-reviewed journals relevant to the topic, make sure they address one or more of the following issues:How do texting, handheld phones, and hands-free phones compare with each other in their effects on driving?How do other, traditional distractions compare to cell phone use in their effects on driving (such as eating, attending to children, talking to passengers, listening to music/news, etc.)?Can cell phone use while driving be compared with drunk driving? Why or why not?What other variables (such as age) can affect driving while using a cell phone?Based on your reading of the five articles, create an annotated bibliography for each of the five sources. Each annotation should consist of the APA reference entry followed by a paragraph-long summary of the articles. In your summary, provide answers for the questions below. For the last question, think about how the research results could be generalized to fit other environments or not be generalized.Summarize the main ideas in the reference. What were they investigating?How were the studies conducted? What was the sample size? Is it appropriate?Were the studies conducted in the real world or was a simulated environment used?How might these methodological considerations affect the research findings and the conclusions drawn from them? How does this article fit in with your paper? How did it influence your own ideas about your paper?Your annotated bibliography should be at 3–4 pages in length. Click here for the annotated bibliography template. This document will help you complete your paper more successfully.Be sure to include a title page and reference page listing your articles. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.By Wednesday, July 6, 2016, deliverthe assignment to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox.Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsIdentified five, relevant research reports that discussed the effects of cell phone use on vision, attention, perception, or memory.20Summarized each article and explained the relevance of each article to the questions asked in an annotated bibliography.60Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100Schmitz, J. (2010, January 13). Cell phone ban for drivers is focus of new group. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved from Research Council. (2010). National Safety Council estimates that at least 1.6 million crashes each year involve drivers using cell phones and texting. Retrieved from
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48 question (multiple choice) Psychology | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
48 question (multiple choice) Psychology | 2025 Custom Writing
1. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of REM sleep?a. Slow, delta waves in the electroencephalogram (EEG)b. The eyes move rapidlyc. It begins about once every 90 minutes during the nightd. Dreams are likely to occur2. The corpus callosuma. is the part of the brain most important for thought and languageb. is densely packed with cell bodies of neuronsc. connects the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortexd. is the part of the brain most important for coordinating skilled voluntary movements3. After damage to the corpus callosum, a person has difficulty naminga. objects that were unfamiliar before the time of the damageb. objects felt with the right handc. objects seen in the right visual fieldd. objects seen in the left visual field4. The right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is specialized for controllinga. rapid or athletic movementsb. hunger, thirst, and other biological motivationsc. complex visual and spatial tasksd. language production5. In the human brain, most of the axons from the optic nerve go to thea. hypothalamusb. thalamusc. corpus callosumd. cerebellum6. Which of the following is NOT a common effect of alcohol?a. depression of the brain areas that ordinarily inhibit aggressive, sexual, or playful behaviorb. increased anxiety and tensionc. impairment of judgment and memoryd. social lubrication7. Alcohol and many tranquilizers exert many of their behavioral effects by facilitatinga. acetylcholineb. dopaminec. norepinephrined. GABA8. Many psychologists believe that the brain has a special module devoted specifically to face recognition becausea. there is a map of the face on the cortexb. each face that we have ever seen in stored in the brainc. brain damage can impair the recognition of faces even though recognition of other objects is unimpairedd. only humans are capable of recognizing faces9. The hippocampusa. is the part of the brain most important for thought and languageb. is densely packed with cell bodies of neurons and glia for control of metabolic activitiesc. is part of the limbic system involved in consolidation of new long-term episodic memoriesd. is the part of the brain most important for coordinating skilled voluntary movements10. After someone takes a drug repeatedly, the drug’s effects often grow weaker and weaker. This is called:a. withdrawalb. tolerancec. addictiond. analgesia11. When excitatory neurotransmitter is released from synaptic vesicles from a pre-synaptic neuron’s axon ending, what happens?a. an IPSP occurs in the pre-synaptic neuronb. an IPSP occurs in the post-synaptic neuronc. an EPSP occurs in the post-synaptic neurond. an EPSP occurs in the pre-synaptic neuron12. In an experiment on classical conditioning, a tone is followed by a puff of air to the eyes. After several repetitions, subjects blink their eyes when they hear the tone. In this experiment the tone is the ____ and blinking to the tone is the ___a.conditioned stimulus; unconditioned stimulusb.conditioned stimulus; conditioned responsec. unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned responsed. conditioned response; unconditioned response13. An action potential:a. is also known as the nerve impulseb. is an all-or-none depolarizationc. is produced by a “massive” influx of sodium ions into the produced at the axon hillock when the “trigger threshold” of approximately -55 millivolts is reachede.all of the above14. Suppose someone with brain damage suffers loss of interest in sex, disturbances in eating behavior, and has difficulty regulating body temperature. What part of the brain is likely damaged?a. medullab. thalamusc. hypothalaumusd. pons15. A nursing mother puts her baby to her breast every time she hears it cry. After a few days, her milk starts to flow as soon as she hears the baby cry. In terms of classical conditioning, what is the conditioned stimulus?a. the baby’s cryb. the baby sucking at the breastc. the motherd. the flow of milk in response to sucking16. Wernicke’s area is located in the ___________ lobe and is involved in:a. frontal lobe; visionb. frontal lobe; movementc. temporal lobe; language expressiond. temporal lobe; language comprehension17. In Pavlov’s experiments he paired the presentation of food with a buzzer and measured salivation to each. In this experiment the food was thea. unconditioned stimulusb. unconditioned responsec. conditioned stimulusd. conditioned response18. After neurotransmitter attaches to post-synaptic receptor sites, what happens as a result?a. the post-synatic receptors get destroyedb. ions channels in the post-synaptic neuron’s cell membrane open to specific ionsc. the absolute refractory periodd. the resting potential19. In a typical neuron, during the resting potential the inside of the axon has an electrical charge of approximatelya. +100mVb. +50mVc. OmVd. -70mV20. The advantage of using an operational definition is that ita. provides a compromise between competing viewpointsb. enables investigators to measure a phenomenonc. explains what the term means to the average person21. What is the procedure for producing extinction in operant conditioning?a. present the unconditioned stimulus without the conditioned stimulusb. present the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulusc. give no reinforcement after the responsed. punish undesirable responses22. Shaping (in the context of operant conditioning) meansa. positive reinforcementb. reinforcing successive approximations to a desired behaviorc. physically forcing a responsed. withholding reinforcement until an undesirable behavior ceases23. If you have one gene for brown eyes and one gene for blue eyes, your genes for eye color are said to bea. heterozygousb. homozygousc. sex-linkedd. sex-limited24. In a double-blind studya. subjects are assigned randomly to both the control group and the experimental groupb. the experimenter manipulates neither the independent variable nor the dependent variablec. both the experimental group and the control group receives placebosd. neither the observer nor the subjects know which group is the experimental group and which is the control group25. The nerves that carry information from the sense organs to the spinal cord and brain, and from the spinal cord and brain to the glands and muscles, are collectively known as thea. parasympathetic nervous systemb. sympathetic nervous systemc. central nervous systemd. peripheral nervous system26. If the correlation between variable A and variable B is -0.75, thena. we can use measurements of variable A to make moderately accurate predictions of variable Bb. there is no consistent relationship between variables A and Bc. there is a relationship between variables A and B, but it has been growing weaker over timed. the mean value of B is less than the mean value of A27. Under what circumstances can we use a correlation to infer that one variable causes another variable?a. under no circumstancesb. the correlation coefficient is -1c. the correlation coefficient is 0d. the correlation coefficient is +128. Which phrase best describes Darwin’s concept of natural selection?a. inheritance of acquired characteristicsb. dominant traits are expressed over recessive traitsc. humans evolved from chimpanzeesd. reproduction of the fittest29. An independent variable is one thata. is irrelevant to what happens in the experiemntb. the experimenter cannot control or measurec. the experimenter manipulates (as a hypothesized cause of something)d. the experimenter measures after the treatment30. Dr. Ratrunner deprives several rats of food for different lengths of time and then places them at the start of a maze. He records how long each rat takes to reach the food at the end of the maze. The running speed of the rats is thea. dependent variableb. normal distributionc. inferential statisticd. independent variable31. Brain surgery is sometimes conducted under local anesthesia while the patient remains awake. During such surgery, suppose the surgeon lightly stimulates a few neurons in the patient’s left parietal cortex (in the post-central gyrus). What will the patient probably experience?a. touch sensation somewhere in the right half of the bodyb. visual sensation somewhere in the left visual fieldc. auditory sensation coming from the right side of the worldd. movements of the left side of the body32. An experiment was conducted to test the effect of rewards on learning. One group of subjects was paid 10 cents for every word they memorized and the other group was not paid. Number of words memorized was measured. Which of the following is true?a. number of words memorized is the dependent variableb. payment or not is the dependent variablec. random assignment should ensure that the groups differ in the beginningd. number of words memorized is the independent variable33. In one study, the experimental group is subjected to loud, unpredictable noises to see whether or not those noises will affect performance on a memory task. What will the control group do?a. nothing at allb. perform the memory task without noisesc. listen to the noises but perform no taskd. control the noises that the experimental group has to listen to34.The standard deviation is a statistic that measuresa. the average scoreb. the difference between two groupsc. mistakes made by the experimenterd. the variability of scores35. What does it mean to say that “p<.05"?a. the correlation between two variables is very low, almost randomb. the probability that the experiment was done correctly is less than 5%c. fewer than 5% of all scientists agree with the theoryd. the probability of getting such a pattern of results by chance alone is less than 5%36. In a group of people it is found that most short people have small shoe sizes, whereas most tall people have large shoe sizes. This type of correlation is:a. zero or no correlationb. a positive correlationc. a negative correlationd. a causal relationship37. A dog salivates to a low tone and a high tone even though it has only ever experienced the association of the low tone and food. This is an example of:a. stimulus controlb. preparednessc. stimulus generalizationd. the partial reinforcement effect38. Newborns spend what percent of total sleep time in REM sleep?a. about 0 percentb. about 20-40 percentc. about 50-80 percentd. about 100 percent39. Which of the following is not a stimulant?a. nicotineb. cocainec. Ritalind. alcohol40. Which school of psychology argued for the existence of free will and the innate human potential for growth and development?a. humanisticb. gestaltc. behavioristd. psychoanalytic41. The ___________________ are the visual receptors and their function is to _____________ into neuron potentials that go along the optic nerve to the ____________.a. hair cells; convert light; ponsb. rods and cones; convert light; frontal lobec. rods and cones; convert light; thalamusd. retinal ganglion cells; convert light; superior colliculus42. If the optic nerves from the eyes were somehow connected to the taste cortex, you would:a. taste soundsb. taste lightc. see tastesd. feel light43. The auditory receptors are the ___________ and are located in the _____________.a. hair cells; cochleab. hair cells; auditory cortexc. auditory nerve; brainstemd. auditory nerve; temporal lobe of the cortex44. When psychologists study how much of a behavior is due to genetics and how much is due to the environment, they are working with which important question?a. the nature-nurture issueb. the mind-body problemc. the question of determinismd. the problem of dualism vs. monism45. The amygdala is involved in:a. fear and aggressionb. perception of colorc. perception of the bodyd. languagee. b and c above46. The part of the brain involved in regulation of states of consciousness (alert, drowsy, etc.) and sleep and waking is the:a. reticular formationb. occipital lobec. limbic systemd. corpus callosum47. What we experience psychologically as different colors corresponds to what physical properties of the external world?a. the actual colors of objects that are in the worldb. different wavelengths of lightc. different intensities of lightd. none of the above48. The primary visual cortex is located in the:a. hippocampusb. occipital lobec. frontal lobed. thalamus Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,