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Psychological Factors | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Psychological Factors | 2025 Custom Writing
Psychological FactorsYou want to create a study to examine the psychological factors affecting how teenagers in an impoverished urban area spend their time outside of school. For this assignment, you will design this study. Below is a list of each of the components on which you will be evaluated. You will be evaluated based on the following:Use of the scientific method.Discussion of which methods you used, why, and potential sources of error.Explanation of the relationship between the hypothesis vs. the null hypothesis; and connection to your study.Analysis of potential ethical issues, their importance in research, and how to address them.Discussion of potential issues regarding culture, gender, diversity, or the environment and how to address them.Explanation of which types of sources were used and how these choices may affect results.An overview of how you would present your findings and why they can be classified as being within the field of psychology.Submission DetailsPlease provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.Cite any sources in APA format.Name your document SU_PSY2060_W10_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
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Week 3 – Assignment: Examine Quasi-Experimental Research Methods | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Week 3 – Assignment: Examine Quasi-Experimental Research Methods | 2025 Custom Writing
Based on this week’s resources and additional research, create two Word Clouds. The first should be based on quasi-experimental methods, and the second one should be based on experimental research methods. Reflect on your readings and additional research conducted this week. What key terms or themes surround each of these research methods? This reflection exercise will assist in creating your Word Clouds.Next, prepare a critical analysis of the differences between a quasi-experimental and an experimental research method. For your selected research topic of interest, determine the types of variables or measures might you want to examine that you don’t have any control over (e.g., age, gender, IQ, or other factors that could impact the outcome dependent measures). With these variables in mind, provide an example of a quasi-experimental research study where you intentionally look at these variables as your ‘quasi’ independent variable; explain why your study would be considered ‘quasi’.How might you be able to revise this to a true experiment – even just hypothetically speaking?Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages. Be sure to include your Word Clouds with your submission.
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borderline personality disorder | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
borderline personality disorder | 2025 Custom Writing
4 paragraphs on the disorder and treatment
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,
Opinion for Terrace 7.2 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Opinion for Terrace 7.2 | 2025 Custom Writing
Opinion for Terrace 7.2
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