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Week 2 Practice Worksheet | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Week 2 Practice Worksheet | 2025 Custom Writing
Week 2 Practice WorksheetSee attachment
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Research paper on disable veterans with substance abuse | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Research paper on disable veterans with substance abuse | 2025 Custom Writing
Research paper on disable veterans with substance abuse
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400 word Psychology Essay 6 questions | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
400 word Psychology Essay 6 questions | 2025 Custom Writing
Please just write the answers to these questions. Make it around 400 words total. You do NOT have to cite any sources! Please answer questions accurately!1. Choose one person from the following list whom you feel played an important role in the history of psychology: Freud, Pavlov, Skinner, Maslow, or Piaget. Describe what that person did, the approximate time that this person lived, what makes their contribution important, and criticisms of their work or theoretical position.2. You are an experimental psychologist interested in finding out how effective a new medication might work for treating depression. Describe a study you might conduct to reach some conclusions on this matter. Be sure to define and provide examples of the following terms and concepts, demonstrating your understanding of each: hypothesis in dependent variable, dependent variable, random assignment of participants, ethical guidelines.3. When your best friend hears that you are taking a psychology course, she asserts that psychology is simply common sense. Explain why your awareness of both the limits of everyday reasoning and the methods of psychological research would lead you to disagree with your friend’s assertion.4. Imagine that you were involved in a legal case in which an eyewitness claimed the he has seen a person commit a crime. Based on your knowledge about memory and cognition, discuss some of the problems of eye witness accounts.5. David’s history teacher asked him why so many German people complied with Hitler’s orders to systematically slaughter millions of innocent Jews. David suggested that the atrocities were committed because the Germans had become unusually cruel, Sadistic people with abnormal and twisted personalities. Use your knowledge of the fundamental attribution error and Milgram’s research on obedience to highlight the weaknesses of David’s explanation.6. Choose a behavior that you would like to modify or change using the principles of operant conditioning. Be sure to use and explain the following terms: operant conditioning, positive reinforcement, and negative reinforcement, and punishment, schedules of reinforcement, shaping and extinction.
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Assignment 3: Case Study: Ethical Decision Making | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Assignment 3: Case Study: Ethical Decision Making | 2025 Custom Writing
Assignment 3: Case Study: Ethical Decision MakingRead the section “Course Case Study” and analyze the behavior of the counselor, as a professional, that you consider unethical or unprofessional. Write a brief summary of the questionable behavior. Substantiate the summary with reasons for your analysis.Next, identify how the counselor may have been in violation of the ACA Code of Ethics. Give the number and definitions of specific violations and compare these violations to the APA ethical standards.In relation to these specific violations, describe the similarities or differences in the ACA and APA ethical codes.Finally, select an ethical decision-making model from those in your readings and apply the model to a minimum of one ethical dilemma you identified in the course scenario.Your paper should be at least 4 pages long, not counting the title page and the reference page. Save the paper as AU_PSY430_M1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.Submit your paper to the M1 Assignment 3 Dropbox by Wednesday, March 2, 2016.Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsSummarized the behavior you consider unethical and unprofessional in the case study.15Substantiated the analysis with reasons.15Identified, using the specific sections of the code, how the counselor may have been in violation of the ACA Code of Ethics and substantiated each with reasons.15Described similarities and differences between the ACA and APA codes.15Applied an ethical decision-making model to at least one dilemma.20Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100
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