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For this activity, watch the video: Psychodynamic Case Scenario. Use the information in the scenario to answer the following questions | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
For this activity, watch the video: Psychodynamic Case Scenario. Use the information in the scenario to answer the following questions | 2025 Custom Writing
Unit 7: Unit 7: Approaches to Psychotherapy I – DiscussionDiscussions are fundamental to shared learning, so please be sure to participate early and often! After you have completed the Reading, and without reviewing your classmate’s responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 300-350 words in length and should extend the discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources. After you have submitted your initial post, review some of your classmates’ posts, and respond to at least 2 of your classmates. Your responses to others should be at least 100 words in length and substantive. Refer to your Discussion Board Rubric in your Syllabus for specific grading explanation.TopicsPsychodynamic Case ScenarioPsychodynamic Case ScenarioFor this activity, watch the video: Psychodynamic Case Scenario. Use the information in the scenario to answer the following questions:To what extent does Mallory’s behavior in this interview exemplify transference (see Chapter 12)?To what extent does Dr. Santos’ behavior during the session influence your judgment regarding Mallory’s behavior as transference?If it is transference, what, exactly, is Mallory transferring? From whom, might you speculate, is she transferring it?If it is transference, and Dr. Santos is a psychodynamic psychotherapist, what is an ideal way for Dr. Santos to handle it? What if Dr. Santos was a humanistic psychotherapist, would she handle this situation differently?Describe several of the defense mechanisms. (Please select several that have not all been described already by other students if possible.) Do any of those you described seem to be applicable to Mallory? How so?
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Integrative Personality Theory | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Integrative Personality Theory | 2025 Custom Writing
Integrative Personality TheoryThis assignment calls for you to employ what Gordon Allport (1968) called systematic eclecticism. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the section entitled “Convergence of Theories: Eclecticism, Integration, and Unification” in Chapter 1 of your text.In this paper, you will complete the assignment which you began in week three and create your own theory of personality development by synthesizing the concepts and constructs of all the theories that seem most accurate and appropriate to you and by using those concepts to reflect on your own personality and development.Research a minimum of eight scholarly sources related to these concepts in the Ashford University Library to support your statements in the paper. Popular websites and your textbook may augment, but they will not count toward, the minimum number of sources needed for the paper. The following content and headings must be included in your paper.Please visit the Ashford Writing Center for guidance on how to format headings in APA Style. Also, please take note of the suggestions provided for the length for each section in the instructions below.Instructions:Provide a general introduction to the topic of theories of personality. Explain what you plan to cover and describe the direction your paper will take. This section will not feature a heading, and it will be approximately two to three paragraphs.Major ConceptsIn this section, you will present the seven specific concepts identified from the seven models you think best apply to the study of personality in distinct subheadings. For each concept, identify the major personality model from which the concept was taken as well as the theorist associated with that model. This completed section will be approximately four to five pages.Excluded ConceptsIn this section, present the concepts you have chosen to exclude in your theory of personality development. Reflect on the basic assumptions that define personality and identify three specific excluded concepts from any of the theories studied in the course. For each of the excluded concepts, provide a rationale explaining the various aspects of the concept that make it unsuitable for your use. This section will be approximately one to two pages.The Differences between Healthy and Unhealthy PersonalitiesDescribe the basic differences between healthy and unhealthy personality, based on the concepts that you have chosen to include and exclude from your theory. This completed section will be approximately one page.The Roles of Heredity, the Environment, and EpigeneticsProvide your analysis of the roles heredity, the environment, and epigenetics play in the development of personality. Discuss how heredity and the environment might affect personality disorders. This completed section will be approximately one page.Assessment and Measurement of the TheoryReflect on the major concepts you have selected for inclusion and provide a brief description about how those concepts are measured and/or assessed. Review the assessment sections of each chapter and discuss those measures you think are most applicable and effective. This completed section will be approximately one page.Self-ReflectionIn this section of the paper, review the self-reflection you wrote in Week One of this class and describe how and in what ways your views have or have not changed. Analyze your Week One self-assessment using the concepts that you have included in your integrative theory and describe how your theory explains your personality. This section will be approximately one page.Provide a brief conclusion that summarizes the ideas presented in your integrative theory of personality. This section will not feature a heading and it will be approximately two to four paragraphs.Allport, G. W. (1968). The person in psychology: Selected essays. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.The Integrative Personality Theory paper:Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including the title page and references page) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust use at least eight scholarly sources in addition to the course text.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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Week 5 Group Discussion Board | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Week 5 Group Discussion Board | 2025 Custom Writing
This week we are looking at what Corey, Corey, and Corey (2014) described as the transition and working stages of a group. Tuckman (1965) and Tuckman and Jensen (1977) described a group’s stages of development as forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. I mention these stages to say that “storming” often happens in a transition phase. Tuckman (1965) describes the storming stage as a time when members emotionally react to the leader, other members, or the task of the group. Those articles are attached below.Corey et al. discussed various challenges a group leader might face in the transition stage of a group. They described one member saying to the leader, “I’m bored. . . I wish you’d do something to make this a better group” (p. 232, 9th ed.) If this happened to you, how would you feel? How would you respond? (Don’t repeat what is in the book.) Be creative!Also, describe in your own words how you understand the difference between the transition and working stages of a group. As well, what differences did you notice in the “transition” and “working” videos we watched this week?
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by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
FOR A-PLUS WRITER ONLY!!! | 2025 Custom Writing
FINAL PAPER (worth 20 points)..PLEASE PROVIDE A+ WORK!THE ASSIGNMENT IS BELOW AND ATTACHED IN A DOCUMENT FILE!!!PLEASE REVIEW AND FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS AND COMPLETE ACCORDINGLING WITH YOUR A+ WORK:SCENARIO:Abby is a 20-year-old female college student. For at least the last 3 months, Abby has experienced ongoing anxiety and worry without a specific cause for these feelings. She has been restless and has noticed that her muscles feel tense and that these symptoms are beginning to affect her behavior in a way that is causing her to become distressed and that is preventing her from being able to complete her normal tasks. Abby correctly believed that it was normal to feel a little anxious sometimes; however, as the semester has progressed, she has not begun to feel significantly more comfortable.On the recommendation of a friend, Abby visited the university’s counseling center and talked to Dr. Smith. Dr. Smith was warm and welcoming and, after discussing the limits of confidentiality with Abby and obtaining informed consent, encouraged Abby to describe her concerns. Dr. Smith listened attentively and asked Abby a few questions. They both agreed on an appointment date and time for the next week. Dr. Smith gave Abby a homework assignment to keep a written log of the negative thoughts or assumptions she has during the week and the circumstances under which those thoughts occurred. Abby was asked to bring the log with her to her next appointment.Short-Answer QuestionsAnswer the following questions based on the scenario above. Answers should be short and concise.1. Which DSM-5 disorder matches the symptoms Abby is reporting?2. Which theoretical model does the homework assigned by Dr. Smith match?3. If Dr. Smith recommended medications only, which theoretical model would this match?4. If Dr. Smith recommended medications in addition to therapy, which theoretical model would this match?5. If Dr. Smith completed a free association exercise with Abby, which theoretical model would this match?6. If Dr. Smith used unconditional positive regard in the treatment, which theoretical model would this match?7. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:She had been in a car accident where she feared for her life. She had sleep disturbances including nightmares and became uncomfortable at the thought of driving, to the point that she avoided driving. She now believes she is a horrible driver, although her friends assure her this is not true. If these symptoms have lasted for longer than a month, which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms?8. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:Every day for the past 2 weeks she felt down or sad for most of the day, had noticed an increase in her appetite, had been unable to sleep or concentrate, and felt tired. Additionally, this was interfering with her goals and tasks, and she reported that she had never felt manic or hypomanic. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms?9. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:Every day for at least the past week she felt irritable with persistently increased energy and talkativeness, was easily distracted, did not seem to need sleep, and noticed that this behavior was interfering with her job. She reported that she has felt these symptoms before in her past and that she has also felt depressed sometimes. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms?10. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:Throughout her life, she has always been suspicious of others. She reports that she really would like to have good relationships, but even as a child she knew that others, including family members, could not be trusted. She feels that she needs to stay on guard to protect herself. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms?11. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:She began drinking when she was 18 and now needs to drink more or higher concentrations of alcohol to continue to function. She reports that she has lost her part-time job because of her drinking and is in danger of failing out of college. She was hospitalized last weekend due to experiencing delirium tremens during withdrawal, and the doctor explained to her that she could die from this disorder. Abby recognized that her drinking was interfering with her life, and she knew that she did not want to die. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms?12. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby’s former roommate reported the following:During a significant portion of the past month, Abby had talked to herself out loud and told her roommate that she had heard voices telling her to harm herself. Her roommate reported that Abby had told her that she occasionally stated that she was Joan of Arc and that the school mascot was stalking her. Her roommate asked to change rooms, and now that Abby was living alone, she did not appear to have bathed in more than a week. This was not typical behavior for Abby, as she had been known to be meticulous with her appearance and hygiene. The roommate expressed her concern for Abby and stated that although she had noticed some of these behaviors since she first met Abby more than 6 months ago, the behaviors seem to have increased over the past month. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms?13. If Abby were 5 years old and, instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, her symptoms included nightmares, physical complaints, recurrent separation-related fear, and a refusal to leave home, what DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms?14. If Abby were 67 years old, and instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, had no major medical issues, had never been diagnosed with a neurocognitive disorder, and her symptoms included a substantial decline in the cognitive functioning areas of memory and attention that interfere with her independence, what DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms?15. Dr. Smith discussed the limits of confidentiality and required Abby to sign an informed consent form before treatment. These are examples of items used to protect the patient’s ______________.
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