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The Effects of Covid 19 on the practice of Counseling/ Therapeutic Relationship | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
The Effects of Covid 19 on the practice of Counseling/ Therapeutic Relationship | 2025 Custom Writing
A written project about how the pandemic has affected the counseling process across the country. Research the guidelines for teletherapy in Alabama, which platforms are available to deliver the therapy, and the different between in person and virtual sessions. There are all sorts of things to think about in this topic area. Do your research and prepare a formal, APA style paper 5-7 pages double spaced. Be sure to have an introduction to your paper and a conclusion. Use APA style. 100% No plagiarism
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,
PowerPoint Presentation: Abortion | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
PowerPoint Presentation: Abortion | 2025 Custom Writing
PowerPoint needed. Great quality work. No plagiaris. A++ work. Need by Sunday September 13, 2020.Description:For this assignment you will identify a current ethical issue from those provided, and analyze it from the perspective of Mill’s utilitarianism, Kant’s deontological ethic, and Aristotle’s virtue ethic. Conclude your presentation by defending one of these approaches. You can use the same ethical theory that you used for your Final Paper, or you can use a different one.Format & Expectations:The format will be a PowerPoint presentation incorporating all of the “best practices” demonstrated in the Best Practices presentation in the Supporting Materials. You have the choice of using short, embedded audio clips (no more than 1-2 minutes per slide) to narrate your presentation, or using speaker’s notes. Your presentation should consist of 10-12 slides, including an introductory slide and a reference slide. Submit the presentation as an attachment. For grading expectations, please see the iRubric for this assignment. Note that MyClassroom has a 1 Gb limit for uploads.Review the website and the 9 minute video below! After Death by Powerpoint 2010 by Don McMillan select your topic from the following list OR from the United Nations’ list of Global Issues at the link below.
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,
Quickness’s references Sheet 1 page | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Quickness’s references Sheet 1 page | 2025 Custom Writing
Developing a Quick Reference SheetIn this unit’s assignment, you are developing a quick reference sheet for the intervention you developed. For this discussion:Explain the importance in developing a form like this and how it relates to the ethical code.Describe other things that can be done when developing a behavior support plan that will increase the likelihood that the plan will be implemented. For example:When should you start discussing treatment options with the client and the client’s support system?How would you approach the conversation with your client?How can you include choices for both your client and those involved in your client’s support system during intervention planning and oversight?
Assignment Help Online, Last Minute Nursing Assingment Help, Nursing Assignment Help,
Discussion Post 5B | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Discussion Post 5B | 2025 Custom Writing
This is a discussion so it is not a formal paper. There is no required word count as long as the questions are answered thoroughly and in-text citations are used (APA format).Parental InvolvementSelect one of the following three grade levels:Elementary school.Middle school.High school.Discuss the following:What are the unique needs of parents at the chosen level? How might school counselors address those needs? Use evidence from the literature to support your assertions.What barriers to parent involvement do you foresee? What can you as a school counselor do to help alleviate the barriers? Use evidence from the literature to support your assertions.Our course book is called Transforming the School Counseling Profession. This discussion needs two references where one of them can be the book. APA format.Please use in-text citations to support your assertions. Always include the references with your post.
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