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by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
NEED IN 10 HOURS NO EXCEPTIONS | 2025 Custom Writing
Complete the following assignment as it relates to psychosocial development in young children.1. The most severe consequence of child abuse is obviously death. Because of the mass media’s attention to these cases members of the victims’ and perpetrators’ families have been offered “financial reward” for telling their stories. Does the media attention contribute to or help deter child maltreatment? Explain your answer. (50 Words)2. In what ways does this context of violence in the United States promote child maltreatment? (50 Words)3. Have your ever encountered a situation in which you suspected a child was the victim of abuse or neglect? What did you do, and why? If you have not encountered such a situation, if you did, what would you do? ((50 Words)4. If it were in your power to completely shape the social context in which a child grew up, what steps would you take to help ensure that he or she would be protected from maltreatment? (50 Words)
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Assignment 2: Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Your Choices | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Assignment 2: Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Your Choices | 2025 Custom Writing
Assignment 2: Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Your ChoicesAccording to studies of graduates of bachelor-degree programs in psychology, entry-level positions tend to pay relatively little and may be relatively unsatisfying. Although the positions, pay, and reported job satisfaction of psychology majors tend to significantly improve many years after graduation, those who enter the workforce immediately upon graduation risk at least a few years of less-than-satisfactory employment (Landrum & Elison-Bowers, 2009; Rajecki & Borden, 2011).Although graduate school can be a route to a better paying, more satisfying job and career, it is quite expensive. According to the APA (2003), a doctoral degree results in most students entering into debts worth $50,000 to $75,000 or even more. The median debt incurred for a master’s degree is approximately $25,000 (Kantrowitz, 2011).Using your textbook, the Internet, and the Argosy University online library resources, research choices such as entering the workforce immediately upon graduation or enrolling in a graduate school. On the basis of your research, respond to the following:Select one of the options: entering the workforce upon graduation or attending graduate school. Identify at least five benefits and at least five risks associated your chosen option. For example, if you choose to enter the workforce immediately upon graduation, identify the benefits and risks of doing so. Cite at least two sources of this information.Design a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation illustrating the risks and benefits. Include at least one graph, chart, or table to add to the presentation’s visual appeal.If you have chosen to enter the workforce, imagine you are designing the presentation for a job fair at which you are a recruiter trying to convince new graduates of undergraduate programs to work for your organization.If you have chosen to enter graduate school, imagine you are designing the presentation for a professional conference where you hope to recruit undergraduate seniors to apply to your graduate program.Include one slide with a speech or a persuasive narrative, in your own words, to persuade students or recent graduates to make one choice (join the workforce or enter graduate school).Include at least one slide addressing recent trends in the job market and analyzing whether this is an optimal time to enter the workforce or to continue your studies in graduate school.Include at least one slide addressing the pitfalls recent graduates from bachelor’s degree programs face and how best to avoid those challenges. One pitfall must be related to the financial risk of or the debt incurred as a result of making each choice (joining the workforce and continuing school).Click here to review a tutorial on how to design a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.Support your statements with information from academic sources, one of which can be your textbook. Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference list on the final slides of the presentation.References:American Psychological Association. (2003). Frequently asked questionsabout graduate school. Retrieved from, M. (2011). Student loans. Retrieved from, R. E., & Elison-Bowers, P. (2009). The post-baccalaureateperceptions of psychology alumni. The College Student Journal,43(2), 676–681.Rajecki, D. W., & Borden, V. M. H. (2011). Psychology degrees:Employment, wage, and career trajectory consequences.Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(4), 321–335.Submission Details:Apply APA standards to cite your sources. Use the following file-naming convention: M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.ppt.By Wednesday, October 14, 2015, deliver your assignment to the M4 Assignment 2 Dropbox.
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There are several reasons for an increase in single-parent fathering recently: Current divorce laws and “gender-neutral criteria” for rearing children have made it easier for fathers to gain custody of their children following divorce than in years past. | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
There are several reasons for an increase in single-parent fathering recently: Current divorce laws and “gender-neutral criteria” for rearing children have made it easier for fathers to gain custody of their children following divorce than in years past. | 2025 Custom Writing
There are several reasons for an increase in single-parent fathering recently:Current divorce laws and “gender-neutral criteria” for rearing children have made it easier for fathers to gain custody of their children following divorce than in years past.To allow themselves the opportunity to pursue career or personal goals, mothers may choose to grant the father custody of the children.Divorce courts have a more favorable view of the role of fathers in childrearing, resulting in an increase in joint custody arrangements following divorce.There has been an increase in fathers’ willingness to take a more active role in parenting than in years past.What was/is your father’s role in your life?In what ways has that role been supportive of you?Are there any ways in which that role has been problematic for you?What advice would you give the father of a newborn regarding his role in his child’s life?1000-1500 words with 2 citation APA Format
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PHL Philosophies of world Religion Scholarly Activity | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
PHL Philosophies of world Religion Scholarly Activity | 2025 Custom Writing
Unit VI Scholarly ActivityInterview QuestionsImagine that you have been granted an interview by a world-renowned, female religious leader. What would you like to know concerning her beliefs, her struggles, and her successes? Two of the suggested readings would be excellent sources for choosing a religious leader for this project. (You will not actually interview this person, so feel free to choose any well-known, female religious leader.)Compile a list of 10 questions that would tell you more about her religion and why she chose to be a leader in it. Do not ask any “yes/no” questions. Good interview questions take just as much critical thinking to develop as answering the questions does. Your questions should demonstrate that you have some knowledge of her religious tradition. Your questions should dig deeper to get to information that cannot be found in the textbook or on the internet, but use that research to guide “the digging” in the interview.Below are some possible topics for exploration in your research and in forming your questions. You are not limited to these topics: Textual interpretations/misunderstandings Cultural expectations of women Influence of globalization Influence of other religions Religious traditions/practices Effects on her personal life Pressures of being a pioneer Support systemClick here for a list of tips for writing interview questions.As this interview is for an academic setting, you must use APA citations and references to support the research you conducted to create the 10 questions. You do not need a title page, running head or page numbers for this assignment, but be sure to put your name in the top left hand corner along with the date. Your interview title should include the namePHL 2350, Philosophies of World Religions 4of the potential interviewee, and your references should be on a separate page. Use double spacing and Times New Roman size 12 font.Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
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