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Woman and gender studies reflection paper | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Woman and gender studies reflection paper | 2025 Custom Writing
This is a reflection paper of 300-400 words about first woman&gender studies’ class. The first class talk about gender,sex and sexuality those three topics. The essay need to write around those three topics and combine the self information. I will tell you more information. I need it done by tonight 12:00.
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Psych Discussion Posts- 2 assignments- ony discussion posts | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Psych Discussion Posts- 2 assignments- ony discussion posts | 2025 Custom Writing
Counseling Theories Discussion PostIn this discussion you will apply some of your understanding of family therapy to the following scenario:Debbie is 18 years old and has come in to see a counselor because she knows that she desperately needs help. Debbie says that she sleeps 14 to 15 hours a day and would probably sleep the whole day if her mother did not wake her up to go to college. She says that she has lost interest in everything. Her parents want her to be a doctor, but she feels that this is not what she wants to be. Debbie prefers to be alone in her room. Her mother constantly nags her about her laziness and sarcastically cuts her down as a way to “motivate” her to do something with her life. Debbie has a very strained relationship with her father who is seldom at home because he is working two jobs. The future seems hopeless to Debbie, and she often thinks about committing suicide, though her parents do not know this. She has thought of cutting her wrist but has not been able to do so. She keeps hoping that she will feel better the next day. Her counselor has diagnosed Debbie with depression and is suggesting that in addition to Debbie’s individual counseling the family also begin counseling sessions.Please respond to the following questions:Of the three approaches to family therapy mentioned in the lecture notes this week (Experiential, Structural and Strategic), which do you think Debbie and her family would benefit from most? Give a detailed rationale for your choice with supportive evidence from the case study.If you were the therapist working with Debbie and her parents, what would you assess as the main problem they are facing as a family? Be detailed in your response and include all three members in your assessment. Since a family system is a unit, all members affect each other.How would you specifically intervene using the family therapy approach mentioned in question 1? Suggest at least two methods or techniques from your chosen theory that you believe would help this family toward healthier interaction. Explain each of these methods or techniques in detail.Substance Abuse Assignment 2: Discussion—Evaluating Twelve-Step ProgramsThe twelve-step program has been a cornerstone of substance abuse treatment for decades. Proponents and opponents of the twelve-step program debate its effectiveness at treatment of substance addiction. These programs are typically supplements to clinical treatment. Some individuals are able to maintain sobriety from participation in a twelve-step program.Use the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources to research twelve-step programs, in particular focus your research on Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).Download and review the case study.Using the case study and your research on twelve-step programs and AA, respond to the following:What are the advantages and disadvantages of twelve-step programs?Are these programs effective? Please present scholarly evidence when answering this question.How did the client in the case benefit from the program?What were the disadvantages of the program for this client?Support your responses using your module readings and authoritative resources. Incorporate theory and factual information in your response.Write your initial response in 2–3 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.By Sunday, September 27, 2015, post your response to the appropriateDiscussion Area. Through Wednesday, September 30, 2015, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Comment on the points made by asking questions, providing clarifications, giving another point of view, challenging their views, or showing relationships between two or more points in the discussion.All discussion assignments in this course will be graded using a rubric. Download the discussion rubric and carefully read it to understand the expectations.
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Hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance | 2025 Custom Writing
Due 09/27/15 by 3:00 PM USA CST no exceptions or excuses please….•Read the paper by Stone and colleagues (1994), paying particular attention to the use of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance to motivate people to practice safe sex (Will include as attachment)•Think of the hypocrisy paradigm, pay particular attention to how you would define and explain it, and consider ways that dissonance in hypocrisy differs from dissonance in an induced compliance paradigm.•Think about how researchers test the effect of hypocrisy on behavior and how it can be measured.•Consider the limitations in the Stone, et al., study and think about how you might avoid them.•Then think about designing an induction of hypocrisy that would motivate people to use sunscreen.The assignment (2–3 pages): Not including title or reference page- APA Standards•Briefly define and explain the hypocrisy paradigm. How does the dissonance in hypocrisy differ from the dissonance in the induced compliance paradigm? Why do the researchers predict that hypocrisy motivates people to change their behavior rather than their attitudes?•Explain how the researchers tested the effect of hypocrisy on behavior change in this study. Specifically, describe who the subjects were, what they did in each condition of the study, and how behavior change was measured. Summarize the results of the study.•Assess and explain the problems you see with the study and the conclusions drawn by the researchers. Describe two limitations to the study and explain how they impact the results.•Design an induction of hypocrisy to motivate people to use sunscreen more often when they spend time in the sun. Describe who the target individuals would be and then explain how you would get them to make a public commitment to the use of sunscreen and how you would make them mindful of past failures to use sunscreen. Finally, explain how you would measure their motivation to reduce dissonance by changing their behavior.Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation and cite appropriately.
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Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Your Choices | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Your Choices | 2025 Custom Writing
Due 9 AM Saturday morning Eastern Standard Time (Atlanta, Georgia Time)According to studies of graduates of bachelor-degree programs in psychology, entry-level positions tend to pay relatively little and may be relatively unsatisfying. Although the positions, pay, and reported job satisfaction of psychology majors tend to significantly improve many years after graduation, those who enter the workforce immediately upon graduation risk at least a few years of less-than-satisfactory employment (Landrum & Elison-Bowers, 2009; Rajecki & Borden, 2011).Although graduate school can be a route to a better paying, more satisfying job and career, it is quite expensive. According to the APA (2003), a doctoral degree results in most students entering into debts worth $50,000 to $75,000 or even more. The median debt incurred for a master’s degree is approximately $25,000 (Kantrowitz, 2011).Using your textbook, the Internet, and the Argosy University online library resources, research choices such as entering the workforce immediately upon graduation or enrolling in a graduate school. On the basis of your research, respond to the following:Select one of the options: entering the workforce upon graduation or attending graduate school. Identify at least five benefits and at least five risks associated your chosen option. For example, if you choose to enter the workforce immediately upon graduation, identify the benefits and risks of doing so. Cite at least two sources of this information.Design a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation illustrating the risks and benefits. Include at least one graph, chart, or table to add to the presentation’s visual appeal.If you have chosen to enter the workforce, imagine you are designing the presentation for a job fair at which you are a recruiter trying to convince new graduates of undergraduate programs to work for your organization.If you have chosen to enter graduate school, imagine you are designing the presentation for a professional conference where you hope to recruit undergraduate seniors to apply to your graduate program.Include one slide with a speech or a persuasive narrative, in your own words, to persuade students or recent graduates to make one choice (join the workforce or enter graduate school).Include at least one slide addressing recent trends in the job market and analyzing whether this is an optimal time to enter the workforce or to continue your studies in graduate school.Include at least one slide addressing the pitfalls recent graduates from bachelor’s degree programs face and how best to avoid those challenges. One pitfall must be related to the financial risk of or the debt incurred as a result of making each choice (joining the workforce and continuing school).Support your statements with information from academic sources, one of which can be your textbook. Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference list on the final slides of the presentation.References:American Psychological Association. (2003). Frequently asked questionsabout graduate school. Retrieved from, M. (2011). Student loans. Retrieved from, R. E., & Elison-Bowers, P. (2009). The post-baccalaureateperceptions of psychology alumni. The College Student Journal,43(2), 676–681.Rajecki, D. W., & Borden, V. M. H. (2011). Psychology degrees:Employment, wage, and career trajectory consequences.Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(4), 321–335.Submission Details:Apply APA standards to cite your sources. Use the following file-naming convention: M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.ppt.Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsCorrectly identified five benefits and five risks associated with the selected option, showing application of research and analysis. Cited at least two sources.20Created a visually appealing presentation explaining the risks and benefits of the selected option to the relevant audience.20Included a slide with a persuasive speech or narrative designed to persuade others to choose either the workforce or graduate school.15Included at least one slide with a discussion of recent trends in the job market and an analysis of whether this is an optimal time to work or seek a higher-level degree.15Included at least one slide addressing the pitfalls recent graduates face, ensuring that one of the pitfalls mentioned is financially related.10Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100
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