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Need help with discussion question | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Need help with discussion question | 2025 Custom Writing
200-300 words don beneficial and detrimental in health psychology
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discussion question for PsycHOLOGY CLASS W3DQ1 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
discussion question for PsycHOLOGY CLASS W3DQ1 | 2025 Custom Writing
Strategic leadership involves understanding the organization, its customers, the marketplace, and the goals of the organization. It requires formulating strategies to align an organization with the external marketplace. Being a good strategic leader, especially during times of change, requires key skills such as communication, coaching, and conflict management skills. For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources and the case study “Nike—CEO Mark Parker and His Executive Team Impress Shareholders and Analysts”evaluation of how Mark Parker performed as a strategic leader in his role with Nike. What evidence is there that indicates that Mark Parker and Nike understand the impact of environmental sustainability on their business practices? Next, provide evidence based on the case study that shows that Mark Parker has developed strategies that enhance value to Nike’s customers, that create synergistic opportunities, and that build on Nike’s core competencies. Include in your response your assessment of how contemporary theories of leadership apply to Nike. Make sure to provide a rational for your response.mUST BE MINIMUM 250 WORDS — REFERENCE FROM SCHOLARLY SOURCES ONLY+++ ORIGINAL WORK ++MUST PASS PLAGRISM TEST
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Yourstar Only!!!! NEED SUPERFAST | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Yourstar Only!!!! NEED SUPERFAST | 2025 Custom Writing
Please see the attached documents.
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Assessment of an Organization | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Assessment of an Organization | 2025 Custom Writing
Assessment of an OrganizationThis assignment is a culmination of the work you began in Unit 4, when you were called on to select an organization in your community that provides counseling services to one or more diverse populations (for example, a community mental health clinic, college counseling center, or school) and arrange for an interview by phone or in person. Having collected information in order to assess the role of the organization and its staff in prevention, education, consultation, intervention, and advocacy, and if the agency itself reflects a multicultural environment, it is now time to gather your findings and create your paper.Address the following in a 5–8 page paper, referring to the data you gather in the interview, your text and course readings, and at least two peer-reviewed articles:•Describe the organization, including the following: ◾The organization and the diverse populations it serves, including the cost for services. Who is eligible for services? For example, could an illegal immigrant receive services? Someone without health insurance? Is it accessible to public transportation?The organization’s role in prevention with respect to mental health and the diverse populations it serves. For example, does the organization provide public service announcements, screenings for depression, et cetera?The organization’s role in education on mental health and wellness and the diverse populations it serves. For example, does the organization provide education for clients? To community organizations? To the general public? And if so, in what forms and which staff are responsible?The organization’s role with respect to intervention and the diverse populations it serves. For example, is counseling provided to individuals, couples, families, groups? Is the counseling staff diverse? How do the cultural characteristics of the counselors compare to those of the clients? Do the counselors receive training on culturally competent practice at the organization?The organization’s role with respect to consultation and the diverse populations it serves. For example, do the staff offer consultation services to other professionals in the community, such as medical personnel, law enforcement, school personnel?The organization’s role with respect to advocacy for the diverse populations it serves. For example, do the staff or organization advocate for diverse populations relative to mental health issues at the community level? At the national level? With respect to public policy?•Identify and discuss a public policy relevant to this organization and population.•Consider the basic principles of social justice and the ways in which mental health agencies demonstrate cultural competence presented in Chapter 4 of the Sue and Sue text.•How well does the organization you researched manifest cultural competence?•Where would you place this organization on the continuum of cultural competence?•Imagine you are hired on as a counselor with this organization upon graduation. ◾What would you see as your role in advocating for and enhancing the cultural proficiency of the organization?◾What two or three changes with respect to the cultural competence of the organization would you most want to see as a counselor at this organization, and why?
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