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Muscle Force | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Muscle Force | 2025 Custom Writing
Instructions1. Identifythe one stepin the excitation-contraction process that is different for the three types of muscle contraction.2. Explain how the amount of force produced in the type of muscle contraction contributes to the difference.The information is attached that has to be used to answer these questions.
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Discussion 3: Disorders & Cognitive Behavioral Therapists | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Discussion 3: Disorders & Cognitive Behavioral Therapists | 2025 Custom Writing
Prior to beginning work on this discussion,Read the Assessment Strategies sections in Chapters 5 and 6 of the course textbook.(PROVIDED IN ATTACHMENTS)Read the required articles The Use of Behavioral Experiments to Modify Delusions and Paranoia: Clinical Guidelines and Recommendations and the Treatment of Mental Hypochondriasis: A Case Report (Combs, Tiegreen, & Nelson, 2007; Weck, 2014). (PROVIDED IN THE ATTACHMENTS)Read Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques that Work , CBT and Behavioural Experiments , and Giving a Rationale for CBT (Boyce, 2012; Lebon, 2012; Lebon, 2009).Choose a specific disorder, and then conduct web research to find a person (i.e., living or not, historical, famous, and/or even fictional) who suffers from one of the conditions listed. You will then use this individual as a case study for the specifications that follow for this discussion. Choose from the following list:AgoraphobiaAnorexia or BulimiaGeneralized Anxiety DisorderDepressionPanic DisorderObsessive-Compulsive DisorderPost-Traumatic Stress DisorderSpecific Phobias (e.g., public speaking, heights, animals, etc.)Substance AbuseFor your initial post of a minimum of 350 words, assume the role of a cognitive behavioral therapist who is treating the individual you have researched. Your initial post should address and focus on the following items rather than centering the activity on a detailed description of the disorder.Briefly describe the disorder.Identify the assessment strategy for diagnosing the disorder.Describe in detail a cognitive behavioral experiment you might use with this client to address the chosen disorder. Your experiment should include both cognitive and behavioral aspects and be measurable.Apply cognitive and behavioral theories to explain and justify your experiment.Note that if your research does not turn up adequate data to fully support your thinking, feel free to speculate or use your imagination to provide plausible detail.
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HN522 Assignment 4 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
HN522 Assignment 4 | 2025 Custom Writing
FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!Benefits of Advocacy InterventionsAdvocacy is essential to the work that human service professionals do with children and their families. For this assignment, you will explore the ways in which advocacy interventions are useful by developing a case study involving one or more children and family members.Assignment DirectionsPlease be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:Develop a case study that involves a child or children and family members.Make sure to be descriptive in terms of the ages of any children involved, which family members are part of the case study, and their ages and role with the child/children. Include any other information that is pertinent, and include the socioeconomic status of the individuals in your case study and other important background details.Identify an issue that is impacting the child(ren) and the family members.Provide some general background on the issue you chose. The background should be specific to the family, along with general information about how many people are impacted by the issue in society, the history of this issue in the country, etc.Analyze two ways in which advocacy would be beneficial to the case that you discussed.Be sure to discuss why advocacy is beneficial in terms of the self-determination of the individuals in your case study.Explore three advocacy interventions that would be particularly useful to the individuals in your case study.Examine any challenges that human service professionals may encounter when advocating for the individuals in your case study and analyze how human service professionals could overcome these challenges.Assignment GuidelinesYour assignment should be a 3- to 5-page expository essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of advocacy for children and families.Reference page: Sources listed in APA format.Include a minimum of four scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions. One of these references should be your text.Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.Use current APA formatting and citation style.
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HN522 Discussion 4 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
HN522 Discussion 4 | 2025 Custom Writing
In addition to working directly with clients, human service professionals also work with a variety of systems (political, economic, educational, legal), organizations, and key stakeholders. For this week’s discussion, you will examine cultural competence and how it is beneficial when advocating for children and their families. You will also explore agency operations and the role stakeholders play in the advocacy process.Please respond to the following:Define what cultural competence is, and describe how it is beneficial when advocating for children and their families.Identify an issue that impacts children and their families. Discuss how this issue may be related to the operations of an agency and analyze how a human service professional may advocate for something within the agency to be changed in order to benefit children and their family members.Discuss why it is important to engage key stakeholders in the advocacy process.Examine three generalist skills that you believe are essential when advocating for children and their families. Explain why you selected the skills identified.***FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS AND ANSWER EACH BULLETIN******350 WORD MINIMUM NOT INCLUDING RESOURCES PAGE***
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